ahh it's november already ...

Nov 05, 2005 14:03

*november 4, 2005*

hey what's up. so yeah, today i got to wake up a little bit later then i'm used to this week. whoo hoo!! woke up around 7ish. ate breakfast and then got ready. went to work. 9-6 today. they closed off the section where i usually park and so i had to park somewhere else. parked by fuddruckers and hoped they wouldn't give me a ticket. i'm so paranoid. anyways, i wanted to accessory shipment today but a few people called out and whatever so i got stuck at the registers. it's okay though i guess. got 4 onc's. whoo hoo! lunch was okay. didn't have any more lean pockets and so i had to buy food. decided to go to fuddruckers and order from their kids meal. got goldie a meal too. =). ate my food in the break room and chilled. stan had come by and he was disappointed with how many shipment boxes we still had. so he wasn't in the best of moods. =/. time flew by a bit slower cause i guess i'm used to doing a project (markdowns or shipment). oh wells. did some go-backs and also cashiered some more. later on, i got to work on the damage/defectives i had started earlier on. finished it and then clocked out. went home. traffic sucked. it felt like 4:00 traffic-wise but looked 9:00 cause it was so dark already. got home and stayed in bed for how many hours. felt kind of bleh. i was supposed to go with benchent to aj's bonfire thing but then i felt like i wouldn't socialize as much cause i don't know a lot of people there. *shrugs*. decided to just stay home like a stupid loser. =/. hung out in my room and just watched tv or drawn together dvd. went online later on in the night. talked with my babe a bit and then eventually slept ...

*november 3, 2005*

today was another day of waking up early. bleh. woke up around 4ish but then wanted to stay in bed. ehh. ate breakfast and then got ready. went to work. 6-3 today. first off, me chris and edmond worked on the baby clearance section that didn't get finished yesterday. that took a while and then edmond helped damian out while i did baby boys and chris did boys. after doing that, worked on kids accessories and then the girls section. finished up the day with girls clearance. of course, all the markdowns took longer than expected since we only had one lrt and we also needed to help with callouts and such. i had asked damian if i could leave early today and so i took my last break, did accessory gobacks, and clocked out at 2:30. i also bought some boys polos and accessories that were price-killed. hooray. went home and chilled. watched more drawn together whil eating a bit. took my nap. woke up around 7ish. chilled. ate dinner and did my workout while watching will and grace and apprentice. i hope randall wins. or marshawn. hooray minorities. ahah. seriously though, randall seems like he should at least make the finals. will and grace is getting boring. i guess to me, it's not as appealing as other seasons. =(. chilled, showered, and then went online. talked with my babe and then said goodnight. went to sleep ...

*november 2, 2005*

today i woke up early again. 4ish. ate breakfast and watched tv. got ready and went to work. 6-2 today. today's objective was men's markdowns and baby girls. we did the markdowns with chris scanning everything and me and edmond marking stuff down. started in feature with the button downs and the sueded tee's. then moved on our way back. shop 1 was light denim jeans and some other stuff. shop 2 was some trousers, khaki pants, and thermals. shop 3 there wasn't really anything. then we made a clearance price-kill wall where everything would be like 75% off or more. that way, it would be easier to get rid of many items. that wall took a lot but we did it. edmond moved on to baby girls and i finished up on the clearance wall. then i did the mens accessories and clocked out for the day. bought a few mens polos for my mom to send to the philippines. went home and chilled. watched some tv and ate some food for a bit. then i took my nap. woke up around 6ish and hung out. ate dinner and worked out while watching some various tv. top model was a recap show but i watched it anyways. veronica mars and lost were reruns so i watched martha stewart apprentice while reorganizing my closet yet again. then watched south park and drawn together. showered and then went online. talked to my babe a bit, said goodnight, and eventually slept ...

*november 1, 2005*

today i woke up around 4ish again. chilled, ate breakfast, and got ready. went to work. 6-2 again. today markdowns weren't a lot. basically all there were was the halloween items as well as a few women's accessories. finished all of the halloween stuff and then reorganized womens accessories and clearance. then also spent some time in shop 1 and organized a 75% off section that we could price-kill. bought a few things for my mom later on in the day. organizing the clearance took a while because there were still people shopping around and asking for help. basic customer service and such. so pretty much i stayed in shop one and did a few other things before clocking out for the day. i also finished watching ong bak at work since my babe is supposed to return it later on in the day. went home and waited for my babe because we were going to go out today. i was sooo freaking sleepy. babe came and then we went to plaza bonita. i returned my belt and buckle combo at anchor blue. i smelled the tester cologne and i might get it later on for myself. hehe. looked around and then went to the disney store. used my coupon and got some miscellaneous stitch stuff. left plaza bonita and went to ralphs to get some ice cream and other things. hooray halloween big cookie. hehe. went home and chilled for a bit. babe went home and i chilled and watched tv. took a nap. woke up around 7ish. watched biggest loser and commander in chief. i'm liking commander a lot more now. hooray. did my little workout and then showered. went online and talked to my babe a bit. said goodnight and then eventually slept ...

*october 31, 2005*

so yeah, happy halloween everyone!!! today i had to wake up so freaking early. 4ish! bleh. ate breakfast and got ready. went to work. 6-2 today. it sucked for markdowns today cause they gave us all of womens to do and it was basically me and christian cause chris called out and edmond wasn't available. judith helped out too which was cool. basically it was all women's second markdowns and so we started in the essential department. that took a while to complete. spent the rest of the day in the womens khaki department clearance. sucked to cause i couldn't finish everything. judith audited it later on and she found some that weren't marked down correctly. i did the best i could though so that's what counts (based on the limited resources and stuff like that). anyways, clocked out and went home. no one really commented on my grover shirt i wore for halloween (except for chani). hehe. oh wells. it's okay though. went home and ate a bit while watching tv. took a nap. woke up later on around 7ish. didn't go out this halloween night. it sucked too cause there were no trick or treaters that came by. maybe i was asleep when they did. hehe. anyways, just stayed home and watched some tv. did my little workout and then showered. went online and talked to my babe. said goodnight and then eventually slept ...

*october 30, 2005*

today i woke up around 12ish. chilled and such. ate breakfast and then chilled. looked at the ads my babe bought for me. babe eventually went home and around 2, i went with my mom to old navy. i guess i was supposed to get her some more polos to send to the philippines. i was kind of annoyed because it was a busy day and i'm not really supposed to be on the ladder looking in upstock since i'm not on the clock. i try to not disobey any p&p's as much as i can cause i just don't like getting in trouble in general. got the clothes and then went to marshall's a bit just to look around. found some nice shoes but they didn't fit right. plus the line was long anyways. then we went to in n out and got some food. went home. chilled. forgot what i did the rest of the day. oh wells. i think i just ended up with my babe. we went to hollywood video to rent something with my coupon. ended up getting ong bak. then went back to my babe's house to chill. my internet wasn't working again and so i went online at his house. also watched 'but can they sing?'. everyone pretty much sucks except a few standouts (gandolfini?, and fairchild i guess). michael copon and carmine gotti looked cute (as well as antonio sabato jr). hehe. singing wasn't as great though. =/. anyways, chilled for a bit more before having to go home. chilled at home and showered and then eventually slept ...

*october 29, 2005*

let's see. today i woke up around 11ish. ate breakfast, got ready and then went to work. 1-10 today. today i dressed up preppy (or tried to). it looked more like a combo of something but at least i finally got to wear my southpole vest. cashiered for most of the day. did a few gobacks and helped out here and there. also worked on mens feature. reorganized and remerchandised the walls. stan closed and he taught jason how to close the registers. recovered and such. don't really remember much else of today. clocked out, got gas for my car, and then went home. babe came over and we chilled. watched snl and then eventually slept ...

*october 28, 2005*

today was my day off. i honestly forgot what i did. that's what i get for updating this journal entry all late. ahhh! oh wells. let's see what i can remember. chilled at home. ahahah. oh wells. laters ...
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