
Mar 12, 2009 10:12

I woke up at eight today. I rolled Rose over and nursed her because I wanted to get an early start on today. It's rainy and grey out, which means Rose will usually sleep in. My plan was to nurse her and wake her up. So I nursed her and she flopped around the bed for a while (she'll sit up and then fall back down cuddling into the blankets/me for usually 15 mins every morning before she climbs down off the bed). Then she flopped down next to my head. I massaged her legs and arms while she hummed and sucked on her paci. We were both in heaven :) Finally I was like "okay, it's been a while baby, we should wake up!" and when I looked at the clock again it was 9:45! We must have fallen asleep together at some point :) Cute cute cute.

I love my baby so much and can't believe she is a YEAR OLD already. Ray and I were looking at photos from her birthday (monday) and she looks like a three year old in some of them. She's so beautiful....I was trying to visualize what she will look like in a few years. I have no idea, but I know she will always be gorgeous to us :)

Her birthday part is this saturday. I'm pretty excited to have a bunch of babies over for her to play with. The most exciting part is getting all of our friends together though. I so wish our parents and real bff's could be here. I have some really cool friends down here and would love for everyone to meet. All of the grandparents said they would be here for Rose's first birthday, but they lied. I'm kind of pissed about it. At the same time it just makes me want to stay away from Michigan for even longer. Yay cupcake party!
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