Jan 15, 2009 01:30
i got my happy pills today. now i just need to make time to get the script filled :) effexor ftw?
i had to write about this experience with my neighbor! i was drinking yerba mate tea and her 2 year asked if she could have some. now to any other 2 year old, i would say NO! however, this 2 year old is often given caffeinated tea and pop. so i asked her mom "can she have some? it has less caffeine then black tea" and she said "well, what is it? does it have like, vitamins in it? or soy...stuff...?" as if "vitamins" and "soy stuff" were BAD things? I wanted to say "yes, it has both. which i garuntee you are better for her entire body system then high fructose corn syrup or any of that other shit that is in fucking pop or 'sweet tea'!!!" but... I didn't. I just ignored her and gave her daughter a sip anyway. Natural is wwwwwwwwwweird because not everyone does it. But since everyone drinks coke it must be good for you!!! :)
thank god for gennifer and whole foods. or i would be in a world of hurt with out fucking creme for my tea right now. <3 yerba mate!