Christmas, New Year, Fictitious Boyfriends

Jan 05, 2009 21:15

So. Christmas was really, really good. I was very lucky in that I got a few days off for it and didn't have to work on Christmas Day. I was working on Christmas Eve until 9:30pm in Livingston and then I jumped in my car, put the old Christmas playlist on the ipod and drove to Sheffield to get there in time for Christmas morning. I only fell asleep at the wheel a little bit and nobody died, so it was all ok.

I love Christmas so, so much. Best bits were carols at church in the morning, carols in the pub on Boxing Day where you sing all the traditional weird Sheffield versions of carols and watch my mum, my aunt, my nan, my sister and myself all burst into tears in "Bright and Joyful" and meeting up with my old schoolfriends for our annual Christmas drunken, chocolate-fuelled get-together. I got given a pendant I had seen at the Dazzle exhibition in the summer. I love it but it has a wee cat on it and I do worry that wearing cat-themed jewellery may be the first step on the slippery slope to mad old multiple cat-owning spinsterdom. Ah well. Why fight the inevitable, eh? I also got lots of House on DVD and membership of the Cameo, which is an ace cinema in Edinburgh, for those not in the know there. My mum also made me a draft excluder with an owl on it, which is awesome and keeps my drafty room that bit warmer now. Hurrah!

I came back to Edinburgh on the 30th because I was working New Year's Eve. I was working the early shift though and then the late shift the next day, so I still managed to go out partying for Hogmanay. I went to two parties, two pubs and one graveyard underneath the castle to watch the fireworks. It was very good. The next day at work I was just clerking in an endless parade of men who had got drunk, fallen over and banged their heads though, which got a bit tedious but at least didn't require too much brain power. Felt a bit of a hypocrite giving people advice about their recommended units when I had exceeded my own quite easily over the past week.

This weekend I was off work and I ended up going out to Opium and dancing to Andrew WK and then everybody came back to mine and drank wine unti 7am. My new year's resolution is to go out more and I feel I have got off to a good start.

This weekend I also acquired a fake boyfriend in an attempt to deter the advances of creepy guy across the hall. Creepy guy across the hall is about 40 years old, lives on his own and plays Disney songs and power ballads really loudly on Saturday mornings. We assumed he was gay for a long time. Then he came to our bonfire party we had at the beginning of November and seemed really awkward and lonely, so I made a big effort to chat to him (difficult, as he is extraordinarily dull) and be nice to him and since then he has apparently started thinking he is in with a chance there. He keeps sticking his head out of his front door every time he hears our door slam, looking for me and then he asked me to come round to his to help him straighten his Christmas tree (not a euphemism) and was generally very weird. Then he added me on facebook and started making weird creepy comments about all of my status updates. I have taken to tiptoeing past his front door and shutting our front door super quietly to avoid seeing him.

So Keri, Katya and Adam took it upon themselves to create a fictitious boyfried on facebook for me. I am a bit mortified about this, but amused enough not to put my foot down about it. Yet. The plan is that fictitious boyfriend writes things on my wall to make me look taken and unavailable. Am not sure exactly how I feel about Keri and Katya writing sweet nothings to me whilst pretending to be a boy who does't exist, but they have got really into it and have created a whole personality for him and got lots of people to add him as a friend and even got a friend of a friend to donate his face for a profile picture. It's all highly weird and deeply embarrassing.

This is so not how I imagined my life would be at 24.

Having said that, 2008 was mostly awesome for me. I look back at how anxious I was this time last year when I didn't know if I would get a job in Edinburgh, pass my exams or even get my elective in India sorted out and I realise how incredibly lucky I have been.

2009 will probably end up being stressful and disappointing to make up for it. So far so good though!
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