Jan 28, 2004 18:58
ugh i am doing nothing at the moment.just listening to kittie while being annoyed and disapointed.I broke up with Chris...i can't deal with anything right now.i dont wanna drag him through my shit.it's my turn to watch my so called beautiful suffering damn iT!everyone else has seen it so now i must see it for myself.life is useless!what's the fucking poinT?!and if there is a fucking JESuS then he's a bastard!just like me...i take pride in others' suffering.i can care less about anyone except those i care for.if someone died (that i knew) i would probably say "good.at least they're not in this hell hole like the rest of us!".I'll never change....i'm suborn.so fuck you if you really think i will.i like chris.but whether or not he really likes me i guess i'll never know.so whatever.i guess i am once again forced to not really put much thought in it.i try to get by with what i need to do.other people are just more to care about.that's kinda why i push away sometimes.i dont want anyone to worry about or piss off or hurt,etc.i dont keep friends.and i dont care.i'm not real popular.and i dont care.i'm put a fake smile on without even noticing it....and i dont care. i just i just dont give a shit about anything/anyone.if i had to choose 5 people to save it would more than likely be(honestly)
2.chris stewart
why did i choose those fucks?because they're the ones who fucking deserve to live in this hell hole of a world!everyone else should die!FUCK EVERYONE!IM SICK OF EVERYONE'S BULLLLLLLLLLSHITTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!