A post that is topical and informative.

Jan 03, 2011 17:34

So first publication of the year is up at Gutter Eloquence mag. See it here. http://www.guttereloquence.com/issue13/sbarber13.html

I'll update my website tomorrow. I'm also tentatively thinking about really putting together a wee creative non fiction (essay) chapbook and selling it on Lulu. Several people have asked repeatedly and I kinda wanna. Sorta.


OH I was informed how problematic and offensive something I'm working on is and I'm a tad gleeful about it.

I was upfront that some people might have a hard time reading it as it can read as being pro relationship violence which it's not. It's just this dynamic between this couple and in the end there's some awesome sex. I hate when people try to tell me not to write uncomfortable things. I like the discomfort kthnks bai.

Um what else? OH I texturized my hair this weekend and I now have REAL CURLS. I used different colored elastics to separate the sections and wrote down the processing time for each section.

If I can figure out how to keep the less curly parts of my hair a bit more curly, I am going to be rocking the fuck out of some big ass curly afro action.

This is also making me want to dye my hair really bright red or something but so far I can resist.

My arty crochet projects continue. Under the cut I'll picspam the shit out of you. Um. Hopefully I can churn out some more cotton hand made washcloths to get the etsy shit started.

OH right I took some really gorgeous photos at Whidby and have processed and put a few up for sale on deviant art. http://fav.me/d35zvz2 go on ahead and look. Buy if you're so moved. I really love photographing bits of nature.

I also shot my first video:

image Click to view

Yeah that's all. I'm vaguely sicklyish and very tired. Pics of yarn and whatnot under the cut.

My yarn stash. I'm extra proud because I did not pay retail for one bit of that. I'm becoming an expert at thrifting, buying destash items from people on ETsy and ravelry. I seriously the other week bought about 2 pounds of yarn from someone destashing on etsy for 7$. I can buy yarn with my textbroker mad money that I can't really do other stuff with. It's awesome. There is also a super close out store by my house where I will buy yarn too. This is about 6 months worth of accumulation.

Target fucked up my Winter clothes order and I was so mad I spent my allocated $$ on crafting sales stuff. I came home to find that box and the order was so much more epic than I'd imagined. I squee'd so hard y'all don't even know.

That is the art/freeform shawl I've been working on for a few weeks. I'm taking a break now but this is all my own pattern as I go. I'm really enjoying it.

That's teh big of my order I was most excited about. I broke the bamboo hooks I was using and I broke my crystalites because I has hulk hands and these are fucking fantastic. I got a full set of sizes G-N for such a super super deal. I've been working with the G hook which is the smalles and I really love it.

publication, crafts, derp, picspam, pics

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