So the other day (whatever) I had
this to say about the whole Wiscon thing.
So then I read
this and about 90% of the comments.
Given the number of anon comments I'm going to guess that a lot of those people are big deals in the realm.
And quite frankly this hasn't changed my mind about anything I said in that last entry.
As a person of color walking around in the world there is already way more than enough hurtful bullshit and I will not be willing subjecting myself to more.
That's all I think.
I'm upset today in general, but it's nice to have my mind made up about something.
So yes. Even if I at some point write a magnificent sci fi opus (possible I"ve been tinkering) I won't be runnin in that circle.
That's all.
Oh no wait holy shit hi shakesville. Somewhere over there, there's a link to me and oh HAI SHITLOAD O TRAFFIC to my regular blog.
Dunno if I care or not.
Kinda not.
Back to writing.
Also, Wotan take the fucking wheel. Will SOME editor reject me or something? So many outstanding submissions I am going to pee myself with angst.
now that's all.