Meme and glee

Aug 27, 2007 15:07

1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.

Ok blame Cookie for the meme and I am bucking the system and not technically tagging anyone because I am a pussy. You should totally read it though GOOD answers I swear.

1.) The sound of breaking glass either makes me want to laugh hysterically or want to cry in utter terror. No in between always one or the other.

2.) I absolutely cannot watch realistic modern era war movies of any sort. I can sort of watch documentaries but not really. I get entirely upset and actually started screaming at a screening of Apocalypse Now. I don't know why I've done it since I was a little kid I couldn't even watch MASH I'd cry and cry and cry. I have been told it's a possible past life trauma type thing.

3.) However gory I will fucking cut your fucking nuts off in public type ancient history type warfare I'm fine with. I have a terrible tendency to cheer for insane Romans and want beheadings.

4.) I had two mole/freckle things on the back of my neck as a child and when I was in the third grade I had a boy totally convinced that I'd been turned into a vampire and if he didn't stop bothering me that I was going to go into his room and kill him. He seriously never spoke to me again and we went up through high school together.

5.) My two biggest fears as a child were catatonia and spontaneous combustion. Actually I had a theory (I shit you not this is the sort of thing I thought about) that because my core temperature tends to be lower than normal (it still is generally a degree or two below the normal 98.6 if my temp is actually 98.6 I have a fever) that I would actually spontaneously freeze someday. I spent months researching the possibility and decided that when I had what doctors called sub temps (think like hypothermia without exposure and coming from inside the body rather than without) I was just going to turn into a Shannon-cube. That scared the ever living shit out of me and is what got me started drinking tea. And you wonder what the fuck is wrong with me now?

6.) I think at least two of you know about this one. My biggest hobby between the ages of about 7-12 was studying the death rituals of various cultures. When I was 8 I decided that I wanted to be done up Egyptian style. So I researched and wrote detailed embalming instructions along with what translated prayers etc for my parents so they'd know what to do with my corpse when I died. But I decided after further research it would be too costly. So I decided that I wanted a Viking burial instead. Complete with huge pyre and my favorite things to take with me. And my pillows since I didn't have mistresses. I also wrote down those instructions and a little prayer to Odin that I be admitted to Valhalla and presented that to my parents. I shit you not.

7.) Ok um.

Ok a super good one. Nobody knows this one. Not even Cookie.

The first time I ever fantasied and masturbated it was while listening to the Purple Rain album and seriously fantasizing about a threeway with Prince and whatever hot chick it was he was doing at the time. You do the math.

So yeah, to answer one huge question I have ALWAYS been this pervy.

Ok I am also only functioning on about 4 braincells and a lot of piss and vinegar today because I haven't slept. I've ingested too much caffeine and my fucking infidel uterus is bleeding again. I will end with this.

Dear Uterus,
Fuck you.

No really fuck you I fucking hate you, you fucking fucker.

poop, meme

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