Yet another tale from the HP Uni Game of Fail, concerning
Princess MadeUpName. Previously posted at
Bad RPers Suck.
This may be a novel concept, but my character? Is my character. Here, let me add a little bit more emphasis to that for you. My character? Is my character. That means I get to make choices about her. Like what her name is - isn’t that what parents generally do?
I have made one post - ONE POST - with this character when you IM me yelling at me for naming my character wrong. No, it’s not that I named her Angstaria Perfektia McSparklypants, it’s because I apparently “stole your character’s name” and have “ruined everything”.
Last time I checked, you didn’t have any characters that had a name anywhere close to what this one is named.
I’m sorry, what? The character you were going to create, but had yet to mention to anyone, especially me?
What’s that? Your character’s intended surname is only somewhat similar to my girl’s?
Oh, I’m not sorry that you have to shelf creating your new Sue character for the time being until you think of a new name. But what’s this? I should at least give my character a “real” surname, like the one you were going to use?
Aw, geez. Now I am going to have to open up the phonebook I used to pick that surname and call all the people with that name and let them know some girl on the Internet told me it wasn’t real. And that the “correct” spelling comes up in Google as an error.
On second thoughts… nah. You’re known for making up names on the fly or “making names fancier” - I’m not gonna take any of your “advice”.
Die in a fire.
P.S. Oh, and the name you suggested? I finally found it. Apparently it’s the name of a small park that was once a rubbish dump. So I don’t mind if you name your character that now. ^_^
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