An Inconvenient Metaphor (Or: The Pressing Need For Reinforced Metal Pants)

Feb 12, 2009 17:16

Title: An Inconvenient Metaphor (Or: The Pressing Need For Reinforced Metal Pants)
Prompt: choices, choices...
Words: 100
Points: the Watch

There were probably more faintly inappropriate places to be proposed to than a stationary closet, but Susan was damned if she could think of any. Nevertheless, Lobsang was holding a six-thousand-year-old ring and waiting.

"Interesting choice of moment."

"We can go anywhen you like. Do you care?"



She drummed her fingers on the shelf; opened her mouth. No more putting off this choice, then.

For an instant, two Susans spoke.

They coagulated, though, when Lobsang interrupted them - "You called it a metaphor!" - because in every universe Susan smirked to see his trousers sprout an extra leg.

challenge: choices choices

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