Eff the Mid-West

Apr 30, 2010 02:12

Had a great time in St. Louis with my friends.  I miss my friends, all of you awesome people who live a thousand miles away.  Effing the Mid-west.  Effing being (for all intents & purposes) a million miles away.  I mean, I know we stay in touch & talk & all that -- but it's not the same as spending a few hours with people you really like & get a long with & care about, with whom you feel nothing but comfort & contentment & pleasure at their company.  & that list is very, very short here, & getting shorted by the year, I feel.  Days like today are the ones that make me both happy & unhappy -- so happy to spend time with the people I love, & sooooooo unhappy to have them in such short supply here.  & so unhappy about being/feeling unable to rectify the situation.  There's a part of me that knows that in reality, moving to St. Louis won't really fix a damn thing, except I'll be slightly easier to get to.  If anybody ever wanted to come out here, which people rarely do.  :-)  But yeah -- very good time today.  Will give update on ex BS later -- need to sleep.  Yeah, eff the Mid-West.
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