Apr 03, 2009 08:50
So the caddy is sadly enough in the shop. Mirror is hanging, brakes are horrible. In fact, the man kept my car overnight saying "she really doesn't need to drive this more than she has. It's not safe." Oh gee, I think I've been saying that since JANUARY. True story. I may be a woman and am NOT someone who works on cars but I THINK I can tell a serious change in the way my car rides. Ya know? Then I've been telling EVERYONE that my mirror isn't broken, the panel is just coming off. NOT BROKEN people, as in the computer hooked up to it is fine, I can clearly see out of it....but NOOOOOOO...no one wants to listen. Daddy took it to the shop and the brakes are getting fixed and much to his suprise the man happened to fix my mirror. "yeah I found the backing to bolt that was loose. They were stuck down on in there." And daddy acts like this is the best thing to ever hear and I'm standing their with my hands crossed across my chest, head bobbing, with that pursed lip look going "yeah yeah, I know." Haha. My ghetto fab moment of yesterday. Among many (of course). Also went to el ricon last night for some half of margaritas. Talk about a good choice, they are supa strong. Some margaritas, some coworkers, and h-dubb in the mix. Good times. Lately I've found that I'm really starting to be happy. Like just content with myself (although I'm not completely happy with myself I think I'm getting there. Working on it helps to suffice). The new job is a biggie too. Oh yeah, sorry about the rambling. On to what I meant to blog about. So daddy had to pick me up this morning to take me to work (i felt like I was back in school. Had him take me to hardees and everything;) mami said i was wrong for that. muah ahahah). He starts in about how high maintenance I am, I'm like Oh lord, he's bout to start in about how fat I am. But no, he just wanted to tell me "Christina Marie, you are a high maintenance woman. You know that right? (um of course). And I just think that you need to start looking for someone high society (lmao, really? he just said that?) You really do. I'm so glad you got rid of that OTHER one. I can tell you right now you'd end of supporting his ass. I could tell that after the first couple of times talking to him. Whew, so glad ya'll aren't together. I was worried. They say 'all you need is love' but baby, love isn't enough. You need to be able to have love and have ability. (wtf? ability?) Ability to take care of your shit. You know what I'm saying? (yes, daddy. Been there. Done that. Bought that 2 1/2yr shirt.) You know, Christina Marie, you can only screw so many times during the day before you need someone else to fall back on...and I'm talkin bout finances (did he just talk about fucking?! omg!!!! this shit right here, is getting weird.) I mean, don't get me wrong...that's what you get married for. It's amazing, so much fun (OMG, I really wanna pull a tuck and roll up out of this car riggggghhhhhhhht bout nooooooow.) But you know, finances is the #1 problem in marraiges and if your mother and I didn't get the help we needed we'd be in trouble too." He goes on to talk about trials and tribulations in his and mom's marraiage. It's so random whenever we have those heart to hearts. But I love them. My dad has really great and profound things to say and just randomly he'll bring up things. I guess the way I spend my money has been on his mind, and the way I spend my time with boys. I think I'm getting better with that if I do say so myself. I think they hold that my past relationship had on me is disentegrating, very quickly. Well, not quickly cause we've been done for 10 months, but quickly as in....dunno how to explain it. But kinda all the sudden. It was like hold...hold...hold....bam! Done. I just think it was a hold on the comfortablity (yeah I used it;). Just the every day kinda thing. Hold on that. My heart was done with it for a long long long time. Ps- I'm supposed to be receiving a payment from his one week from today. We'll see if i get it, dun dun dun. Gotta pay for these bills somehow!
Oh yeah, I have to be at work at 6am tomorrow....gotta gun?