Trust in Media (Poll Data)

May 05, 2006 09:29

The BBC, Reuters and The Media Center contracted for a "Trust in Media" poll which sampled ten countries. There is quite a bit of data available, but I found one thing pretty surprising and a few others very interesting and worth repeating.

Below, I'll post a handful of questions and the appropriate responses in table and paragraph form.

Please tell me how much you trust each of the following institutions to operate in the best interest of our society. Would you say you have a lot of trust, some trust, not much trust, or no trust at all in . . .?

.GovernmentMedia United States67%59% United Kingdom51%47% Brazil30%45% Egyptn/a74% Germany48%43% India66%82% Indonesia71%86% Nigeria34%88% Russia54%58% South Korea45%45% Average52%61%

How much would you say you trust each of the following media sources to provide you with the news and information you want on current affairs? Would you say you have a lot of trust, some trust, not much trust, or no trust at all in . . .?
. US UK Brazil Egypt Germany India Indonesia Nigeria Russia South Korea Average National Television 75%86% 66%77% 81%85% 98%90% 84%76% 82% National Newspapers 74%75% 68%65% 80%85% 91%75% 68%64% 75% Local Newspapers 81%75% 64%68% 74%76% 87%n/a 69%39% 69% Public Radio 73%67% n/a64% 83%69% 90%72% n/an/a 67% Friends & Family 76%78% 57%64% 25%70% 80%42% 81%n/a 62% International Television n/an/a 45%77%* n/an/a 57%67% n/a32% 56% Commercial Radio n/an/a n/an/a n/an/a 85%71% 29%n/a 55% Intl. Newspapers 52%55% 40%28% n/a10% 54%n/a 32%23% 39% News Websites 55%44% 40%32% n/a1%** 42%41% 22%n/a 38% Internet Blogs 25%24% 20%30% 38%1%** 36%21% 16%38% 25%
*attributable to Al Jazeera
**due to limited awareness

I would now like you to name the specific news source you most trust to provide you with the news you want (without prompting).
United StatesFOX News (11%), CNN (11%), ABC (4%), NBC (4%), National Public Radio (3%), CBS (3%), Microsoft/MSN (2%), USA Today (2%), New York Times (2%), (1%), Time Magazine (1%), and friends/family (1%)

United KingdomBBC News (32%), ITV News (8%), Sky News (7%), the Daily Mail (3%), the BBC News website (3%), BBC Radio - World Service (2%), BBC Radio - National (2%), the Times (2%), the Daily Telegraph (2%), the Guardian (1%), and Google (1%)

Brazil (urban-only)Globo (52%), O Globo (4%), Folha de Sao Paulo (3%), TV Records (3%), friends and family (1%), Yahoo (1%), and Google (1%)

Egypt (urban-only)Al Jazeera (59%), Channel 1 Egypt TV (12%), Al Ahran (6%), Al Akhbar (5%), Nile News (4%), Yahoo (2%), CNN website (2%), Google (1%), and BBC World Service radio (1%)

GermanyARD (22%), ZDF (7%), n-tv/N24 (6%), RTL (4%), Suddeutsche Zeitung (3%), Der Spiegel (2%), Deutsche Welle (1%), Google (1%), the BBC (1%), and CNN website (1%)

IndiaAAJ TAK (11%), DD television (10%), Dainik Jagran (7%), Sun TV (5%), Star News (4%), NDTV (4%), AIR (3%), the Times of India (3%), Zee News (2%), Rajasthan Patrika (2%), and BBC World Service radio (2%)

Indonesia (urban-only)RCTI television (27%), SCTV (17%), Metro TV (14%), Trans TV (11%), Indosiar (8%), TPI television (3%), Jawa Pos (3%), and Kompas (3%)

Nigeria (urban-only)Channels TV (16%), NTA television (16%), AIT television (10%), Silver Bird TV (7%), Punch (5%), CNN, Radio Nigeria, Radio Lagos (all 4%), Radio Kano and BBC World Service radio (both 3%), and BBC World television (1%)

RussiaORT television (36%), NTV (16%), RTR television (15%), Argumenti i Fakti (6%), friends and family (3%), Komsomolskaya Pravda (3%), BBC news website (1%), and no trusted news source (3%)

South KoreaKBS television (18%), the website NAVER (13%), Chosun (10%), MBC television (9%), DongA (6%), ChoongAng (6%), DAUM website (5%), Hankyoreh (3%), South Korea's National TV Station (3%), YTN television (3%), Yahoo (1%), and the Economist (1%)

Note: There is a lot more data in the original poll and it could be worthwhile for those who are interested.

language, media, resource

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