Key Phrases from Attorney General Alberto Gonzales;
- ...under the program about which I am testifying today.
- ...general views about the legality of the program the President has confirmed.
- ...that is an operational detail which I can not go into during the course of this hearing.
I have not researched the specific "questions" Senator Feinstein read into the record, but just listening to the words and the tone of her voice, I have to wonder how they'd hold up with Senator Lindsey Graham's very important questions about "inherent authority".
I've been impressed that the overwhelming majority of Senators seem to have questions about the program. I don't know that I'd go as far, as to possibly charge the AG with perjury, but I also strongly disagree with his legal and linguistic hair-splitting. (I would refer to a historical example, but that's a whole other subject) What's perhaps equally as dangerous as the nonsense coming from the Attorney General's mouth is the implication by Senator Tom Coburn that the New York Times should face criminal charges.