I'm bo, yo.

Aug 24, 2008 04:23

omg my favorite thing evar atm:

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favorite lines:
"go to a vagina orchid, count one two three, spin that plant around you've got a third whirld cunt-tree"

"Your playing with your breasts, excuse me, can I try it ma'am?
Your pushin em together like a titty Venn Diagram
Look at that crack, excuse me can i buy a gram?
right below your diaphragm, ass looks like you're hiding ham"

"my flo's so cold i need a tampon from a polar bear"

"Im like doug's friend Skeeter whenever I meet her.
Cause I skeet her so hard you could call her Patty Mayonnaise."

"Haters call me gay, but that aint hatin
Cuase im not homophobic, my morals are straight and
If im in the closet then you are below me (blow me)
Takin the b-a-t out of basement, homey"

I really can't get over how the hell he comes up with these lines! I mean, theyre soo in depth, most of it you have to read the lyrics to have it totally sink in (like cunt tree, lol)

GAH i love him hahah
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