Day 33 - Discovered Among the Reindeer - Photo Shooting

Jan 02, 2024 17:32

"Bloody photo shooting every winter. Where's your jacket, Ray ?"
"Don't need one, mate"

"You're joking, it's freezing"
"Rumours are, you're cold blooded and I'm hot tempered"

"Ray, .... you know I am not ....."
"Hey, I absolutely know you are not ..... cold  ;-), but they're right about me :-)"

"Ooooh yes, you are definitely ..... "
"Don't even think about it, Bodie. Long time before we're alone again"

"Bodie, keep your hands to yourself behind my back. We are just being watched, veeery closely"
"All right, all right, let's get it over with and we're back inside"
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