Day 25 - Discovered Among A Reindeer - The Best Is Coming Closer

Dec 25, 2023 14:03

The Best Is Coming Closer
Part II of The Best Is Yet To Come Series
by macklingirl

By Christmas, Bodie and Doyle were lucky again and had earned two more days off. They spent the first day thinking about how they could reach as many people as possible with their news.

The evening found them sitting on the sofa, snacks and beer cans at the ready as they looked at their posters. "Look, Ray", Bodie said, holding one of the posters. "I really would love to use this one." Ray took a sip of his beer. "Yes, that's okay, I think. But I think the other one looks great too. It shows what's on offer."

"You're right, we should use as much of them as we can. Let's start tomorrow morning." Bodie said, gave Ray a kiss and they slept on the sofa till early dawn.

The next morning they drove to Walton-on-Thames, carrying everything they needed. And they stopped at the first advertising pillar they found.

"It's perfect, Bodie. Everyone who drives to this village will see our posters," Ray grinned when he saw it. "There's only crab on it right now. Let's work.!

They took the posters

and everything else they needed (like a ladder and some glue) to the advertising pillar.

Putting the posters onto the pillar wasn't so easy.

Bodie had to paint them with glue while Ray stood on the ladder and tried to attach them.

But after fifteen minutes they finished their task.

"Wow, that looks great, Ray. It was a wonderful idea you had with these posters." "And your idea to put them onto the advertising pillar was great too, Bodie", Doyle answered and gave him a kiss.

And they both knew the best was coming closer.

The End (for today)

Have the posters a little bigger under the cut

The last sentence was Bodie's idea

That was Doyle's doing

Title: The Best Is Coming Closer
Subtitle: Part II of The Best Is Yet To Come Series
Author: macklingirl
ProsLib: Yes, please. Will send it when I have finished the last part)
Disclaimer: Bodie and Doyle are not mine, but the Rainlads are. And the advertising pillar and everything else.

macklingirl, reindeer

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