Day 23 - Discovered Among the Reindeer - Home For Christmas by krisser

Dec 23, 2023 02:56

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!

Home for Christmas
by krisser
sequel to: It's Time to Bring Him Home for Christmas

Doyle smiled as he watched Bodie help his mum clear the table. His partner had his eye on the last piece of pie, but before he could even ask, his mum had it on a plate and in his hand as she motioned him to sit down.

"Finish that up, luv," Mrs Doyle said. To say his mum was pleased that he'd brought Bodie home would be a massive understatement. She had been doting on Bodie from the moment he'd crossed the threshold.

Doyle's older brother, Patrick, broke into his thoughts as he called out from the front yard. “Time to shovel snow, brother dear.” Doyle’s smile disappeared into a scowl. Where had he been when Bodie and he had chopped and stacked all the wood after hanging the outdoor lights? His brother had never ceased being a dictatorial shit.

“Enlist your work mate as well,” Patrick yelled into the silence.

Bodie’s head snapped up, a frown on his face as his eyes sought Doyle’s.

“Never mind him," Doyle assured him with a smile. "When you're done with the pie, could you pop out to the motor and get my scarf? It's cold out there and that one is the warmest," Doyle asked as he continued to ignore his brother' mutterings.

"Of course. I'll help if I must." Bodie indicated outside with a tilt of his head in that direction.

"Nah, he'd supervise then. If I just go, he'll work," Doyle assured him again as he slowly headed outside.

Bodie stood to take his plate to the sink. Mrs Doyle met him half way.

"You go and get Ray's scarf," Mrs Doyle said as she took the plate from his hand. "It is cold. You bundle up as well." She stretched up and kissed him on the cheek.

Bodie smiled, bemused, as he nodded his agreement. He left the kitchen, found and put on his jacket as he checked for the motor keys. He headed outside, moving quickly as the frosty air hit his face. It was indeed cold. He could hear Doyle and his brother arguing behind him and was glad to reach the car. He jumped inside and closed the door. He hadn't put on gloves for the short trip and his hands were already chilled. He blew on his hands as he visually searched for the scarf.

Bodie saw the scarf but also found a folded over magazine with quiz written in extra large letters. A magazine quiz? Why would Doyle have that tucked down between the seats? Bodie pulled it out to check if it had a lurid cover. Marie Claire. Across the front was scrawled - Return to Pam.

Oh, shit! She must have left this for Doyle. That couldn’t have gone over well. Bodie smiled to himself, he would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to witness that. Bodie skimmed over the questions and knew that Doyle's bird was thinking of roosting and Doyle, well, his Doyle didn’t like clingy birds.

Bodie looked out the fogging windscreen and could see that Doyle was still shovelling snow and arguing with his brother. He didn’t want to spend much time with Patrick so he stayed in the car and read the questions to the quiz - It's Time to Bring Him Home for the Holidays.

Question 1 - Is he the kind of man your mum would like?

Bodie couldn’t help smiling, Mrs Doyle was such a love and her food was all that had been promised. Actually, her greeting had been the best.

“You’re Bodie. I am so happy to finally meet you. Ray has talked about you so much I feel as though I already know you. Come in. Come in. You must be famished.”

So, yes, he'd cleaned his plate to her satisfaction at every sitting.

Question 2 - You're ready for your new partner to learn embarrassing stories and see embarrassing photos.

Bodie rested his head back and smiled. Doyle had only squirmed a little as his mum retold the stories of his childhood with relish. She’d hauled out the picture albums proudly and shared family photos. Doyle hadn’t objected, just turned a faint shade of pink. Doyle’s mum was a treasure.

Question 3 - You’re in a committed relationship -

No bird had ever reached that status with either of them. Job interference . . . and well the job was a priority. Bodie read the rest of the stated definition of commitment.

. . . meaning you spend time together, discuss work, never feel you must put on airs.

Of course they spent time together, lots of it on and off the job, and Bodie never once wanted to chuck Doyle or escape.

Not being able to discuss their work was a major bane to most relationships. Countless numbers bit the dust for that alone. Next up would be missing or being late for a date.

Even if they dated within other agencies the Official Secrets Acts kept them mum. Only his partner made it possible to review ops, rehash all that went down, understanding the need to purge the events, knowing without being told that it was paramount to sanity.

Doyle and he were committed partners - and the rat-bastard toe-rag of a partner never put on airs a day in his life. Bodie laughed aloud at the thought.

Question 4 - You feel comfortable with him at the end of the day.

And, of course they were comfortable together at the end of the day - takeaway and a game on the box, better than trying to lie to a bird. Doyle was the best ever, no one he had ever felt more comfortable with, ever

Question 5 - Have you and your boyfriend ever been on holiday together?

Bodie laughed at that, remembering the double date weekend away that ended in disaster . . . in more ways than just being hostages to escaping bank robbers. The birds had been practically useless and were quite put out that they hadn’t prevented it and then subsequently when they couldn’t discuss the actual rescue. That had ended it then and there.

Hmm, actually thinking about it, the best holidays were spent with Doyle fishing or motorbiking. Best times off that was, alone with just Doyle.

Question 6 - Do you feel that you have shown your true self to your boyfriend?

That one was a laugh as well. Shown your true self - that’s all either of them used unless undercover. Ah, but with birds, never could show all of oneself. Could, at times, scare them if they did. Never worked out well.

Question 7 - Are you friends?

Doyle was the best mate ever. They had each other’s backs almost from day one and the trust between them was unequivocal. Bodie chuckled at that bit - if Doyle was ever on his best behaviour, then there was likely trouble afoot.

. . . Is he the one you turn to in an emergency?

The first call. No one else he’d trust absolutely. No one. Cowley was down the list and they didn’t trust him completely with their lives. The Queen, yes, agents no.

Question 8 - Love or lust - When he grabs you intimately, do you pull away?

Doyle had always allowed him to touch without pulling away. His partner was easier with the birds in public but nothing too demonstrative on their part. Bodie disliked it immensely when birds tried to kiss him in public, too showy, too . . . ah just made him uncomfortable. Doyle, well Doyle was different.

For all the reasons he had already listed, there was no one he'd rather be with and, of course, he loved his best mate. Love or lust?

Lust? Was he blind? His partner moved with such a fluid grace that anyone, male or female, could appreciate it. His fingers always itched to touch Doyle's hair, erratic curls always moving about. Itched to touch errant holes in those jeans, thin pockets in the same jeans, and yes, if he were honest with himself, recently he'd taken to imagining tracing the outline of Doyle's cock . . . randy sod was half hard all the time. Then there was his bum. National treasure, that was. The shot of desire and his physical reaction brought Bodie's thoughts to a halt, but his mind mocked him. So in stark honesty he admitted that he'd been lusting after Doyle for quite a long time. Or, he lusted in the early days but it had changed into love and desire. . . yeah that kind. He had never wanted to ruin the partnership. He valued that above all else. Bodie knew how to bury emotions, but try as he might the box was open . . . Wait a minute! . . . why was Doyle half hard all the time? Wasn't in Cowley's office. He noticed lately only when they were alone together . . . And why had Doyle kept the magazine? Why hadn't he returned it to Pam? Why now?

Bodie looked down at the magazine, then out at Doyle, now leaning against the tree, with a scarf around his neck, smiling. Bodie looked at the neatly folded scarf in the backseat, and again to the magazine in his lap. Doyle had sent him out here on a fool's errand, not to keep him away from his brother, but just so he could see the magazine. Doyle knew he'd see the quiz. He'd folded the magazine open to the very page. Doyle wanted him to read it and realise what? That they were that kind of partners?

Bodie cocked his head at his smiling partner, who only raised his brow in question. He could ignore this and keep the status quo or, Bodie took a deep, steadying breath, he could press on and find out if Doyle really wanted this as well. This what? A partnership in all things? The pure shot of arousal told him his body was already on board. A partnership in all things? Most definitely.

Bodie exited his vehicle and made straight for his partner, who remained leaning suggestively against the tree.

"So you decided it was time to bring him home for Christmas?" Bodie asked, already knowing the answer written in the soft expression on Doyle's face.

"Yup." Doyle straightened. "Was I in error?" His tone indicated that he doubted it.

Bodie advanced until he stood right in front of his partner. He smiled, soft and sweet and completely open. "Not in the least." Bodie raised his hand, then dropped it. "Everything?" He wanted to be sure they were really on the same page.

"Absolutely everything." Doyle's expression conveyed all that mirrored in Bodie's heart. Doyle closed the space and met lips already moving halfway.

The exploratory kiss turned passionate and they broke apart, both breathing hard. Doyle leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on bemused lips. "A promise for tonight."

Bodie nodded in agreement, too full of emotion to speak.

"Ray," Mrs Doyle called out the door. "Bring your young man in for supper." Her voice had emphasised your.

Bodie raised his brow in question.

Doyle shrugged. "First thing she said in her hug was about time you brought him home. And she was right."

They shared a smile, turned, and headed inside together.


xmas 2023

Title: Home For Christmas
Author:krisser / krisserci5
Slash or Gen: slash
Archive at ProsLib/Circuit: Yes, please
Disclaimer: just for fun, no infringement intended

A03 link - for: Home for Christmas
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