Day 10 - Discovered Among the Reindeer - The Pros Birthday Club

Dec 10, 2023 21:11

Today's post is by way of being an idea - something that suddenly occurred to me as I was thinking about Pros FandomCards, and how nice it was to receive our lads in the post over Christmas, and gorgeously creative people were, and... I bet you can see where this is going, can't you? *g*

I wondered if it might be fun to have a Pros Birthday Club as well - it would sort of run the same way, where anyone who wanted to join would send me their contact information, and likes and adores and dislikes, and I would then collate the information into a Pros Birthday Club List and then send it to Club members, and when someone's birthday came up, the others on the list would send them a wee Pros card in the post, so that just like with Pros FandomCards we'd get a little flurry of Pros through the post on our birthdays!

Suggestions/thoughts/other ideas very welcome - what do you reckon? Could it fly? Be something else that our fab Pros community has together? Please let me know what you think!


And in case it's just a lousy idea - have our lads out on the town together! *g*

reindeer, slantedlight

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