Discovered in a Snowglobe: January 6: Minor Characters, Chapter 3

Jan 06, 2023 16:57

First little snippet from an on-going project:

Chapter 3 - Where the Jungle Ends: Cynthia Sinclair

God, it's boring here. Bore, bore, bore! Aunt Hester's a drag, and this place is so deadly dull I could just scream!

And I don't even know why it's all happened. Daddy just came home one day and told me to pack, he was sending me off right away, and he didn't know when I could come home. I've had to leave school and all my friends, and come to live with Aunt Hester, who's such a drip. All jolly hockey sticks and tweeds and a pair of wretched big dogs that she pays more attention to than me.

The village is even worse: there's no proper shops, no disco, just miles and miles of fields and country lanes and nothing. And Aunt Hester and Daddy both insist I can't even call Jackie or Susan for a natter, let alone go up to town or have people visit. Aunt Hester was so cross when she caught me on the telephone the one time-well, honestly, not cross. She looked terrified, but she wouldn't tell me why. Just said I must never ever tell anyone where we live.

It all started the day I sort of got kidnapped. Well, I suppose I was kidnapped, but they only drove me home and stopped outside the house for a bit before they left, so I don't know if it counts as a proper kidnapping. They never said what they wanted, just that it was very important to talk to Daddy right away, "with all the cards on the table", as the dark and broody one said.

Dark and Broody was very good-looking, but he didn't seem to care who I was or anything. Couldn't be bothered with me at all. He jumped out at the house and went straight in to talk to Daddy and left me alone with the other one.

Now Green-eyes was gorgeous, and he actually looked at me, not like Dark and Broody, who always seemed to be watching for danger with one eye.

Green-eyes offered me sweets, as if I was a baby, but I could tell he liked me. I even tried to flirt with him a little, because he was just the scrummiest man I'd ever seen. I have had a boyfriend, after all, even if Daddy doesn't know, so I'm sure I'm attractive enough.

He said no, but I'm sure if I'd had a few more minutes I could have persuaded him. Men behave that way with girls they really like. I'm sure he did like me. But then Mr. Dark and Broody came back, and suddenly it was all go, away they went. Not even a goodbye for poor little me.

Nobody's told me anything, but I'm sure they were spies or something like that. Maybe Daddy is as well, but I'll never know. The most exciting thing that ever happened to me, and now I'll be stuck with boring Aunt Hester in this boring nasty little village for the rest of my life.

Title: 57 Minor Characters in Search of an Author: Chapter 3
Author: Verlaine
Slash or Gen: Gen
Archive at ProsLib/Circuit: Yes, please
Author's Name for Archiving (if different to above):
Disclaimer: Not mine, no money.

Previous chapters: Archive of Our Own

verlaine, snowglobe

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