Discovered in a Snowglobe - 26th December 2022 - Boxing Day Puzzles

Dec 26, 2022 13:00

Boxing Day is one of those almost-days, where there's almost nothing that actually has to be done if you're lucky enough to be on holiday to start with. The perfect day for messing around with wordgames and puzzles, right...? *g* Here are some from the Pros annuals, and if anyone else has puzzles or wordgames or the like to share, then please feel free to join in with me and post them today!

These ones are made for printing out - and you can of course click through to make them bigger, too. *g*

Pros 1982 annual - Reverse Wordsearch and Wordsearch

Pros 1983 annual - Wordsearch

Pros 1984 annual - Crossword

[And the crossword answers...]

And just because we need something fun to look at too - here's our lads playing a different sort of game - from the 1984 annual. *g*


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