As comm mod I interrupt this broadcast...

Dec 22, 2022 17:28

...with a reminder for everyone who posts to the comm.

For some reason I'm having to remind more and more people individually after they post this year, so I'm pinching a bit of Krisser's day to try and save time by reminding everyone at once.

Please post your story information as a trailer, not a header, and put it under the cut!

If your story is only short and doesn't need a cut, then please make a special one for the trailer so that it can't be seen.

(Please don't try and use fancy spoiler cuts that make words invisible until highlighted, because they only work if someone's lj has a white background on all pages - I can still see them on mine, for instance, because my background is blue/grey).

We've had this policy at Dialj since the comm began, about seventeen years ago, and we've been through multiple explanations and hassles about it over the years, but our original reasons for doing it still stand - and they're over on the User Info page, where they've always been, but I'll copy them here again for clarity.

1. Please include the following "trailer" to help with archiving at the end of your post (rather than as a header at the beginning):
Slash or Gen:
Archive at ProsLib/Circuit:
Author's Name for Archiving (if different to above):
Notes: (including warnings if you really wish to - these are not compulsory. Readers note: these will be included at the end of a story so as not to spoiler it for people who prefer their fic unadulterated!)

We use "trailers" rather than "headers" for a very specific reason. There's a long history in Pros of fans preferring not to be spoiled for a story by being warned ahead of time what is going to happen. If warnings etc are at the top of a story, then readers have no choice but to see them and be spoiled - but if we put them at the end of a story, readers have a choice: they can scroll quickly to the bottom of the post and find out whether there's anything to which they might be sensitive, or they can just read happily, and without being spoilered, from the top of the story. Please respect this compromise!

(I'm also aware that I might have inadvertantly encouraged people to forget to hide their trailers by forgetting to add an lj-cut when I posted Felicity M. Parkinson's story - but please don't do as I do, do as the comm says! (Especially since it also says "trailer"!) And also feel free to come in and kick me if I ever forget something myself *g*!)

snowglobe, mod post

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