Discovered in a Snowglobe - Fic: Say Yule Be Mine This Christmas - 15th December 2022

Dec 15, 2022 07:32

Title: Say Yule Be Mine This Christmas
Author: agt_spooky
Slash or Gen: Slash
Archive at ProsLib/Circuit: Yes, please
Disclaimer: I don’t own the lads, more’s the pity. Just borrowing!
Summary: How did two drunk men catching snowflakes on their tongues lead to declarations of love? Blame it on the whisky. And the Christmas wish.

Raymond Doyle was filled to the brim with the holiday spirit. And copious amounts of the liquid variety as well.

Beside him in the cramped backseat of the taxi was his partner, grinning like the drunk, silly sod he was, in the aftermath of another raucous CI5 Christmas party. Having indulged in their fair share of libations, they were at the point in the evening where everything was funny. Ray had no doubt the cabbie would be glad to see the backsides of them and their drunken laughter sooner rather than later.

Finally reaching his building ten minutes later, Ray stumbled from the cab, still smiling, and pressed the appropriate amount of bills into the cabbie’s hand. Instead of remaining in the taxi and letting it ferry him to his own flat, Bodie tumbled out right behind Ray.

“Oi! Why aren’t you goin’ home?”

Bodie, eyes glassy but grinning brightly, slung his arm across Ray’s shoulders and pulled him close.

“Because you’re here. Not there,” he answered simply.

Ray knew there was something deeper hidden in Bodie’s reply, but his current inebriated state precluded him from focusing properly. Instead, he was distracted by the heat of Bodie’s firm body pressed against his own, his partner’s masculine scent tickling his nose. Warm and earthy, with a hint of his soap, shampoo and aftershave, it was uniquely Bodie.

“Doyle! Look!” Bodie practically giggled. “It’s snowing!” He threw his arms wide, face tipped up, turning in a slow circle as fat, white flakes floated down from the clear winter sky.

Ray let loose with a hearty laugh at his partner’s child-like antics, heedless of the annoyed looks of passers-by. God, it felt good to laugh. Especially after this year…

Bodie stopped, swaying slightly on his feet, a goofy grin on his face, his cheeks flushed. He pointed at Ray.

“Betcha can’t catch one,” he slurred.

Ray chuckled. “Catch one what?”

“A snowflake, Doyle!”

With a smirk, Ray simply held out his hand and a moment later one floated down onto his palm.

Bodie rolled his eyes. “Not like that! With your tongue! Like this…”

He looked up to the sky, mouth open, tongue out, head bobbing unsteadily as he chased the falling snow.

Never one to back down from a challenge, Ray grinned widely and pointed at Bodie. “Oh, you’re on, mate!”

Ray knew they looked a right pair of proper, soused berks, two grown men trying to catch snowflakes on their tongues, but he didn’t give a toss.

Because it felt good to laugh. It felt good to see a smile on Bodie’s face. It felt good to be…happy.

It had been a long, tough year for them both. More and more often the villains were getting away with their crimes, while CI5 stood there with their hands tied in political red tape. It had left them both disillusioned and wondering about their future with CI5.

So it felt good to just let go at the party tonight and have fun with Bodie. Because Ray had come close to never laughing or sharing a drink with his partner ever again. Because Ray had nearly died three months ago. Actually, technically, he did die on the operating table. But he’d fought his way back. He’d been given a precious, second chance.

So yeah, tonight…Ray was happy.

In his quest to catch the elusive snowflake, Ray made the mistake of closing his eyes while his head was tipped back, which proved to be more than his inebriated equilibrium could handle. With a combination of a laugh and a panicked shout, he lurched sideways on the pavement and would’ve fallen on his arse if not for his partner’s strong arms coming round him.

Bodie was always there when Ray needed him. Bodie would always catch him if he fell.

Bodie waggled a finger at him, amusement in his dark blue eyes, his words thick. “You’re drunk, mate.”

Ray gaped at him. “Me? Hark whose talking! ’m not the only one twirlin’ about, tryin’ t’catch a snowflake on me tongue!”

The sheer ridiculousness of the statement hit them both at the same time and they broke out into another fit of uninhibited, whisky-fueled laughter.

Bodie clapped Ray on his back. “C’mon,” he winked. “We need a drink.”

Arms around each other, they tottered in through the front door of the building and poured themselves into the lift, grinning like drunk loons. Once on the fifth floor, it took Ray three tries to get his key in the door lock, with Bodie draped over his back, chucking in his ear, ever so helpfully trying to guide Ray’s hand.

They finally staggered inside, shedding their heavy winter anoraks in the entryway and moved into the lounge. Leaving the main lights off, Ray went to his Christmas tree and turned its lights on instead. The colored bulbs twinkled merrily, casting the room in a soft glow.

Still in a pleasantly buoyant, alcoholic fog, Ray sank down onto the settee beside Bodie, their long limbs sprawling every which way.

Ray grinned at his partner. “If you could have anything for Christmas, what would it be?”

Bodie smiled, looking thoughtful. “Anything?”

Ray threw his arms open. “In the whole wide world!”

There was sudden clarity in Bodie’s eyes as he gave Ray his soft, quiet answer. “You. All I want is you, Ray.”

And Ray was instantly, shockingly sober.

“You shouldn’t be beautiful.” Bodie’s blue eyes shone with gentle, teasing affection. “That ridiculous mop of curls. That chipped-tooth grin. That broken cheek.” He reached out and brushed the tips of his fingers along Ray’s jaw. “You shouldn’t be beautiful. But you are. And I love you. And I think…I think you love me, too. I’ve seen it in your eyes.”

Ray’s world tipped sideways at Bodie’s unfiltered words. He swallowed hard as he shook his head. “You’re drunk.”

Bodie nodded. “I am. Doesn’t mean it’s not the truth, though. Just means I’ve enough liquid courage to finally say it.”

Ray abruptly shoved himself up and off the settee, his heart slamming up against his ribs. He walked a bit unsteadily over to the tree, staring unseeingly at the lights, the colors blurring in his vision.


That’s what this was, wasn’t it? This thing that had been between them for years, that neither of them had been brave enough to put a name to. Until tonight. Until Bodie found the fortitude to do so.

Ray thought about dying. He thought about fighting so hard to come back. Who he fought so hard to come back to. And why.

And he knew he didn’t want to waste that precious, second chance.

He felt Bodie walk up behind him and he turned to face his partner. His heart light, he crossed his arms over his chest, trying, and failing, to keep the smile from his face.

“Gone about this all backwards, you have,” he told Bodie. “Supposed to wait to declare your love after at least a first date, not before.” He spread his arms wide. “Want to be properly wooed, I do! I fancy candle-lit dinners, wine, flowers, chocolates, moonlight walks…”

Bodie framed Ray’s face with his warm hands, his eyes filled with tenderness.

“Give you the world, angelfish.”

Ray fought to speak past the tight knot of emotion in his throat. “Don’t want the world. Just you.”

“I’ve always been yours, sunshine,” Bodie breathed as he closed the tiny distance between them.

The first touch of Bodie’s lips against Ray’s sent a shiver racing through him. He pulled in a shaky breath, pressing up against his partner as Bodie took him into his embrace. Ray sank into him, his hands splaying against Bodie’s broad back as his partner’s mouth moved against his-soft, chaste presses, then longer and deeper, their tongues dancing slowly together, chasing each other’s taste, then back to tender, delicate presses of their lips.

Bodie’s kisses robbed Ray of the ability to think. He could only feel. Feel his heart pounding a staccato beat, an answering rhythm from Bodie against his chest. Feel Bodie’s heat, his strength, surrounding him. Feel his pulse thrumming in his veins. Feel a wave of long-repressed emotions surfacing so swiftly it would’ve taken him out at the knees if not for Bodie’s arms around him.

And that sound… By god, it was true-you did hear bells when you finally found The One.

Bodie smiled into the kiss and eased back. “Listen,” he whispered.

It was then Ray realized the bells weren’t in his head, but Big Ben instead, chiming midnight.

The corners of Bodie’s mouth curved up. “It’s Christmas.”

With a mischievous glint in his green eyes and a teasing grin to match, Ray placed one of Bodie’s hands on his belt buckle. “Indeed it is. Fancy unwrapping your gift?”

Bodie’s grin, his laugh, his embrace, was brighter than those silver bells as he tugged Ray to the bedroom, and the best Christmas either of them had ever had.


Thank you for reading! Happy Holidays!!

"Say Yule Be Mine This Christmas" is also available at AO3 here:

agtspooky, snowglobe, agtspooky-snowglobe15dec

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