Discovered in a Box of Baubles - 6th January 2021

Jan 06, 2021 13:08

It's the last day of the challenge, and the first time I've posted on this day of the calendar. I've got something I'm hoping to finish (and something that I didn't finish at all - waah), but those will be for later, and in the meantime I'm going to have a rummage around in the box today and see if I can find a few more baubles to post, and pretty-up our flists... *g*

I started off with a quick rummage around the British Newspaper Archive, where I found this, from the Reading Evening Post on Wednesday 07 October 1981. It's a new picture to me too, though I've seen him in similar poses in pics - how fun to still be able to find new things about our lads *g*. Transcription under the pic, because they're not the clearest of images.

"Television tough guy Martin Shaw added the professional touch when he unveiled a group of new flats yesterday.
And the heart-throb actor, star of The Professionals series, showed he is just as at home with a whisk as he is with a gun.
"I'm playing the host today," he said as he invited visitors to look round the new flats for single people on the New Park development at Tadley.
They have been designed by Wimpey Homes Holdings Limited and to make sure they had the right image they asked Martin to choose the furniture and fittings.
The bedsitter flats are fully furnished and the first eight put on sale for £16,985 were sold within 48 hours. It is hoped about 1000 will be on the market throughout England by the middle of next year.
Mr Donald Macpherson, chairman of Wimpey Homes Holdings Ltd said at the opening he hoped the new flats would solve the problems facing so many single people who wanted to buy their own homes.
He added "The decor and furnishing have been personally, and dare I say it, professionally chosen by Martin Shaw to help create the feel of carefree modern living."

Wow - can you imagine having bought the flat decorated by our Doyle (yes, I know, our MS - but I did say imagine *g*)?! I had a quick google to see if I could find out whethere the flats were still there (bet they're worth a bit more than £17,000 now...) but google isn't playing nicely... I'd love to see the decor he chose!

Hmmn - also, I'm getting quite the Raymond Dibble vibes from this photo... *g*

baublesslantedlight6january, baubles, slantedlight

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