Discovered in the Yuletide Spirit - Day 27 - Our Lads at the Fortuneteller's

Dec 27, 2019 15:51

Our lads at the Fortuneteller’s

Mr Bodie….. and..Mr Doyle !? You’re next, may I usher you into my magic room?
I see from my book that you would like to know what the future holds for you. Besides,
it’s quite unusual for two unmarried people to have an appraisal together.

We ARE.... unusual...... but never mind that, please carry on!

Ok, I work with my crystal ball …… let’s begin with a close look into your eyes. I need to connect with you….and….yes, a picture
is coming up.....with a lot of action, movement and noise. You must lead exhausting lives, running all the way,
I see. But then, Mr. Doyle, there you are, curled up in bed, with a book, which bizarrely never gets shut.
You will obviously never finish it. I don’t know why....

Mr. Bodie, I see you in bed too, sleeping. Must be an important place for you, the picture is really sharp
- you’ll get lots and lots of sleep.

There’s another picture -  I can see both of you, together in a different country. You’re on holiday, obviously, indeed a long holiday. It is getting clearer and clearer - there’s someone, who’s connected to your leisure time.....he even has to approve it.  And you will discover something important about him, a ‘soft spot’ perhaps, something he wants to keep secret ? And he’ll treat you to some days off.

Somewhere in an office

What about your personal life? Let me concentrate ……Oh yes, a huge family, with a beautiful bride.
Lots of children running around.

Oh sorry, wrong channel, I am shaking it, wait a moment please.
Aside from that, you two look like you could do with a drink - help yourself please over there.

Can we go on now ? Oh no, it must be broken,
I can’t see any girls in your personal life.

Don’t worry, it’s not that important.


I see some men there who influence your life. One is tall, slim and Irish and there’s one who looks very sharp with fair hair,
you’ll spend a hard, demanding time with him in a gym.


Somewhere in a gym

Apparently the next picture I see is concerned with food. I see you, Mr. Bodie, with a piece of cake,
which is then permanently replaced with different vegetables and fruits.
Looks like someone is hinting that you should change to a healthier diet.

For you, Mr Doyle, I see an increase in money.
I am glad to say you’re going to get a pay rise!


What about me ?

Somewhere in a London office again

I am sorry, my crystal ball is getting dusky. That means you’ll have to endure something negative.
I see a white room with beeping machines - a hospital - it’s weak and fuzzy,
I am afraid I don’t recognise the person under the covers.


The picture disappeared too fast so it won’t affect your life too much.
Don’t worry, the last picture is razor-sharp and …..there you are together, having……… a very happy Christmas next year.

Alive and well.

Safe journey home, Lads!

potztausend and shooting2kill many thanks for your help :-)

Sorry for different typefaces - I don't know why......and I can't fix it - grrr!

yuletide spirit, cim3745

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