Discovered on a Midnight Clear - January 4: Pros Quiz!

Jan 04, 2019 13:19

We did a quiz at BistoCon and it was huge fun. So get out your files, fellow agents, and start hunting out the details.

Question 1: What is the name of Bodie's former commanding officer?

Question 2: What was Doyle's rank in the Met?

Question 3: Cowley planned to take Annie Irvine to what sort of entertainment?

Question 4: In which year was CI5 formed?

Question 5: In which of these areas has Cowley served in some capacity: Spain/China/Egypt/Ukraine/Hong Kong/Uganda /Korea

Question 6: In which episode(s) does Doyle ride a motorcycle?

Question 7: What are the ingredients of Marge's Lightning?

Question 8: What does Cowley say is like "dancing the tango with my granny?"

Question 9: In which episodes do the following CI5 agents appear?

Question 10: Who tells Cowley, "Muhammad says trust in God, but tie your camel first?"

Question 11: "We once held up a whole battalion for nearly a day. Six men. Exactly like these." Who is Bodie talking about?

Question 12: In which episode does Cowley live in a mews-style building?

Question 13: How much money does Doyle bet on Flirty Gert?

Question 14: In Old Dog, New Tricks, who does Billy Turner want to kill?

Question 15: In which episode does Bodie drink carrot juice?

Question 16: At the end of Killer With A Long Arm, how are Cowley, Bodie and Doyle amusing themselves?

Question 17: Who is the Christmas Man?

Question 18: In Private Madness, Public Danger, what does Cowley threaten to do to Sutton?

Question 19: Name any three sports Bodie, Doyle and Cowley play/watch.

Question 20: Why do Bodie and Doyle destroy Cowley's desk?

With byslantedlight's permission, I'll post up the answers on Sunday.

verlaine, midnightclear, verlainemidnightclear

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