Pros Bingo Challenge - the continuing challenge!

Nov 14, 2016 12:11

A long time ago, in a world that seems far away, a year-long Pros Challenge was posted - and that year is nearly up! The Pros Bingo Challenge ends on the 30th November, so there are now just over two weeks left to fill squares on your Bingo Card. There were eleven Bingo players way back in January, plus one Community card - and here's the current state of play (if I've forgotten/missed anyone, please let me know!).

Here's our Community Card - five squares filled, thanks to dawnebeth, macklingirl, merentha13, loxleyprince and fiorenza.

solosundance has managed a whole line of five squares, making her our current Pros Bingo Champion

Finally, Fiorenza has completed two of her own squares, and I've only managed one - though I have managed one!

There are eight other Bingo Cards out there still that I don't think have squares filled in yet, and it would be fab if a few more of them could manage to have one square filled in... and I dunno about anyone else, but I'm completely a deadline-girl, so I'm going to keep trying for the last couple of weeks, and see if I can manage some more!


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