Discovered in the Christmas Tree, Day 3 in January

Jan 03, 2012 15:59

Alas, LJ's recent changes have made posting or commenting an exercise in frustration, so I'm not able to insert a nifty picture of my challenge prompt.

Purple acorns, however, serve as an excellent visual metaphor for my one completed project for the Discovered in the Christmas Tree challenge - Pros story lists.

Squirrels gather acorns of course, and the project did - at times - make me squirrely. *g* Like a squirrel hunting buried acorns, I stumbled upon forgotten treasures. And lastly, purple is a color often associated with LGB communities, and so appropriate for a (primarily) slash story list.

Coincidentally, for years I've had a drawing on my desk of a squirrel atop a huge pile of acorns smiling maniacally, upon which my mother had written: "Mine, all mine!" She'd sent it as a comment on my passion for reading and collecting books.

By nature and nurture I'm an inveterate information collector and list maker. It's something I do in all aspects of my life, not just fandom - though fandom has provide me with incredible opportunities to indulge myself.

For me, one of the great joys of Pros fandom is that it has included some truly incredible - and I don't use the word lightly - women who have a shared passion for information collection and organization. My gratitude is both personal (being in like-minded company is a joy *BG*) and practical (these women have provided the foundation for numerous fannish institutions upon which we fellow fen rely).

Far too many Pros fen take these organizational efforts for granted, but believe me, thirty-plus years of Pros fannish output would be impossible to navigate without the work of these women. Mind you, it's still not easy in every case *g*, but without their efforts it would be truly impossible.

There are far too many fen who don't maintain a Master List of their fan works (be it fiction, non-fiction, vids, fan art, or other forms). I would strongly encourage each of us to do so. Not only because it makes it easier for fellow fen to find your work, but because as time passes, it is all too easy for us to lose track of our own fan works.

However, while we're waiting on those Fan Works Master Lists, I'd like to encourage other Pros fen to compile story lists for Pros authors and share them. It's fun, it's useful, and for most authors, it is much, much simpler than the example here! *g* Oh, and that applies to other forms of fan works as well!

I originally compiled these Pros story lists in September 2007; they have been updated in December 2011.

Serious offline issues kept me from revisiting the lists to correct some known omissions. This year's DiaLJ Christmas challenge gave me the impetus to revise the lists, so thanks are due to byslantedlight for organizing another wonderful winter season challenge. (And I apologize for taking your name in vain as the deadline approached, and LJ and my computer conspired to drive me insane! *g*)

I hope that I've now filled in any gaps, but if anyone finds an omission or error, PLEASE let me know! I WANT the lists to be accurate and complete and welcome any additions or corrections.

More detail on why I compiled the lists and the challenges it presented can be found at the bottom of the page.

FAN ART NOTE: Jane is also an accomplished fan artist in many mediums under several different names. Cataloging fan art presents it own unique challenges, in addition to those seen in story list compilations. I did not attempt to list her fan art. That's a project for another time!

Jane of Australia's Pros Stories and Zines

Compiled by Karen AKA TaVeryMate - Sept 2007 & Updated Dec 2011
[Info sources: my own zine and Circuit stories collections, Pen's story lists, some earlier story lists (notably Lily Fulford's list), Cassie Ingaben's database, the Proslib CD, the Hatstand Archive, the Circuit Archive, and the Nut Hatch zine master list (2004)]

Stories by title (Alphabetical Order)

519 Is Down
Acceptable Risks
And Lovers, Long Ago
Another Bedtime Story (Companion to Bedtime Story)
Arran (Hunting 13)
Avalon (Hunting 6)
Be It Ever So Humble (Sequel to Labyrinth)
Bedtime Story (Companion to Another Bedtime Story)
A Beltane Elegy
Blood and Fire
Brandywine (Hunting 4)
Bringer of Light and Magic
Catch or Kill
Chanson de Matin
Clan of the White Fox
Coda aka Better To Forget
Confessions of a Shutterbug
Cover Up
Dark Dreaming
A December Reverie (POEM)
Desperate Measures
Doctor on the Squad
Dreaming Stone
Dreams of Long Ago
Dreams of Yet to Be
East of Midnight (Hunting 14)
An East Wind Blowing
Elvensongs Part I
Elvensongs Part II
Eternal Wind, Book One: Swordsong
The Eyes Have It
Fair Blows the Wind
Family Affairs
Family Matters
Family Snaps
A Fate Worse than Death
The Firebird (Hunting 10)
Flare Up
Flesh and Steel
For Auld Lang Syne
For Raphael (Hunting 2)
A Game for Two Players
Gentle Persuasion
Green Fingers
Guilty as Charged
Happy Landings
Heron Summer (Hunting 15)
Home Is The Hunter (Hunting 3)
The Hunting
I Won't Send Roses
In the Seasons of War
In the Stars
The Kingdom of Summer
The Lark (Hunting 7)
Legend Of Eileen Fey
A Madrigal
Magickal, Parts 1-6
Midnight Dreaming
Moonshadows (Hunting 12)
My Cousin Raymond
Mystery Trip
Never Say Die
Old Longings
On a September Afternoon
One of Those Days
Out of This World
The Perfect Gentlemen
Power and Magick: Magickal, Parts 7-8
Practical Demonstrations
Prince of the Mists
Prodigal's Progress
Professionals 2000: Gambit
The Pushbike Song
Rainbows Always End (Sequel to Water Under the Bridge)
Rainy Days
The Rakes' Progress
Rites of Passage
Russian Roulette
Sea Pictures
Sea-Sprite (POEM)
Shades of Green
The Snowbird
Soul and Storm
Strangers on the Shore
The Sword
The Swordsman
The Talisman (Hunting 8)
Time and Motion
Unfinished Melody
Wait Upon the Wind (Hunting 5)
Water Under the Bridge - NEED CONFIRMATION
Whistling in the Dark
Wind in the Willows
Yesterday's News
You'll Be Alright on the Day (Sequel to Discoveries)

Jane and Madeleine Ingram
Nothing Left to Lose (AU - "From a story by Kathy Keegan")

Novels by title (Alphabetical Order)

BLOOD AND FIRE by Jane (1994, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

CLAN OF THE WHITE FOX by Jane (1990, Nut Hatch Collective; oop): The Hunting 17

CZARDAS by Jane (1994, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

THE DREAMING STONE STORIES by Jane (1991, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

ELVENSONGS, Part I by Jane (1992, Nut Hatch Collective; oop): The Hunting 18

ELVENSONGS, Part II by Jane (1993, Nut Hatch Collective; oop): The Hunting 19

ETERNAL WIND, BK ONE: SWORDSONG by Jane (2002, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

FAIR BLOWS THE WIND by Jane (1989, Nut Hatch Collective; oop): The Hunting 16

FALCONHURST by Jane (1989, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

FLESH AND STEEL by Jane (1994, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

Flesh and Steel Omnibus by Jane (1994, Nut Hatch Collective; oop): gathers together all three novels (FLESH & STEEL, BLOOD & FIRE, and SOUL & STORM)

FOR AULD LANG SYNE by Jane (1992, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

THE HUNTING by Jane (1986, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

THE KINGDOM OF SUMMER by Jane (1988, Nut Hatch Collective; oop): The Hunting 11

A MADRIGAL by Jane (1987, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

MAGICKAL by Jane (circa 1990, Nut Hatch Collective; oop): gathers together Parts 1 to 6 first published in issues of CROSS MY HEART and FANTAZINE

Magickal Book 1 - Collected Volume 1-3 by Jane (1990, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

Magickal Book 2 - Collected Volume 4-6 by Jane (1992, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

Magickal was last published in 3 volumes: Parts 1-3, Parts 4-6, and Power and Magick (parts 7 & 8)

OUT OF THIS WORLD by Jane (2004, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

THE PERFECT GENTLEMEN by Jane (1991, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

POWER AND MAGICK by Jane (1993/94, Nut Hatch Collective; oop): gathers Parts 7 to 8 of Magickal first published in issues of CROSS MY HEART

PROFESSIONALS 2000: GAMBIT by Jane (2000, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

Rainy Days Volume 1: The Early Years by Jane (2000, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

Rainy Days Volume 2: The Middle Years by Jane (2004, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

SOUL AND STORM by Jane (1999, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

STRANGERS ON THE SHORE by Jane (1994, Nut Hatch Collective; oop): novella taken from OTHER TIMES AND PLACES III

THE SWORDSMAN by Jane (1993, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

TIME AND MOTION by Jane (1991, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

UNFINISHED MELODY by Jane (1988, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

Zine Anthologies - only Jane's stories listed

CONTINENTAL B & D (1993, Satyr D'Nite; oop)
Catch or Kill by Jane

CROSS MY HEART 1 (1987, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Magickal, Part 1 by Jane

CROSS MY HEART 2 (1988, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Magickal, Part 2 by Jane

CROSS MY HEART 3 (1988, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Magickal, Part 3 by Jane
In the Stars by JJ

CROSS MY HEART 4 (1988, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Yesterday's News by Jane [Rainy Days 10]

CROSS MY HEART 5 (1990, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
A Beltane Elegy by Jane - 8 pp - Falconhurst sequel
Never Say Die by Jane - 90 pp inc illos - Rainy Days universe

CROSS MY HEART 6 (1990, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Prodigal's Progress by Jane - 72 pp - Rainy Days universe

CROSS MY HEART 7 (1991, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Green Fingers by Jane

CROSS MY HEART 8 (1991, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Magickal, Part 5 by Jane - 51 pp
Sea Pictures by Jane - 48 pp

CROSS MY HEART 9 (1992, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Magickal, Part 6 by Jane

CROSS MY HEART 10 (1993, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Power and Magick: Magickal, Part 7 by Jane

CROSS MY HEART 11 (1993, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Power and Magick: Magickal, Part 8 by Jane

CROSS MY HEART 12 (1995, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Cover-Up by Jane

CROSS MY HEART 14 (2003, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
519 Is Down by Jane

FANTAZINE 1 (1988, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
And Lovers, Long Ago by Jane
Rites of Passage by Jane
Twilight by Jane

FANTAZINE 2 (1990, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
The Sword by Jane

FANTAZINE 3 (1991, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Magickal, Part 4 by Jane

FANTAZINE 4 (1992, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
An East Wind Blowing by Jane

FANTAZINE 5 (1993, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Aquamarine by Jane

FANTAZINE 6 (1995, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
In the Seasons of War by Jane

FOXHOLE IN A GRAVEYARD (1988, Spice Press; oop)
[NB: this zine has a mix of GEN and SLASH]
Family Snaps by Jane [slash]
Midnight Dreaming by Jane [slash]

FULL CIRCLE B/D OUTTAKES (1995, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Flareup by Jane

THE HUNTING COMPANION 1 by Jane (1987, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
For Raphael (Hunting 2)
Home Is The Hunter (Hunting 3)
Brandywine (Hunting 4)
Wait Upon the Wind (Hunting 5)
Avalon (Hunting 6)
The Lark (Hunting 7)
The Talisman (Hunting 8)

THE HUNTING COMPANION 2 by Jane (1989, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
The Firebird (Hunting 10)
Moonshadows (Hunting 12)
Arran (Hunting 13)
East of Midnight (Hunting 14)
Heron Summer (Hunting 15)

IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST (June 1985, Sunshine Press, now AMC Press; oop)
Practical Demonstrations by Jane
A December Reverie by Jane

LEATHER AND BLUE JEANS (1993, PAL Press; available from Denetia Arellanes & Agent with Style)
Nothing Left to Lose by Jane

THE "LOST" HUNTING STORIES: A second volume of Raven/Bodie stories by Jane (*No earlier than 1991-no later than 2000, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
The Snowbird
Also includes poems & artwork

NUDGE, NUDGE, WINK, WINK (1992, Manacles Press; oop)
A Game for Two Players by Jane

OTHER TIMES AND PLACES (1990, OTP Press; available from Kathleen Resch & Waveney Zine Shop)
The Snowbird by Jane

OTHER TIMES AND PLACES II (1991, OTP Press; available from Kathleen Resch & Waveney Zine Shop)
Prince of the Mists by Jane

OTHER TIMES AND PLACES III (1992, OTP Press; available from Kathleen Resch & Waveney Zine Shop)
Strangers on the Shore by Jane

OTHER TIMES AND PLACES IV (1993, OTP Press; available from Kathleen Resch & Waveney Zine Shop)
The Swordsman by Jane

OTHER TIMES AND PLACES V (1994, OTP Press; available from Kathleen Resch & Waveney Zine Shop)
Bounty by Jane

OTHER TIMES AND PLACES VI (1995, OTP Press; available from Kathleen Resch & Waveney Zine Shop)
Breakheart by Jane

PROFESSIONAL B & D (1993, Satyr D'Nite; oop)
Out of this World by Jane

WHAT IF... (1992, Manacles Press; oop)
Hoodwink by Jane

Letterzines - only Jane's stories listed. All of these stories in the out-of-print letterzines are now in Proslib.

My Cousin Raymond by Jane

Confessions of a Shutterbug by Jane

Bringer of Light and Magic by Jane

Another Bedtime Story by Jane

Wind in the Willows by Jane

A Fate Worse than Death by Jane

Bedtime Story by Jane

Guilty as Charged by Jane

Multi-media Zines - only Jane's stories listed

ADULT SITUATIONS 2 (1987, Markalaine Press; available from Agent with Style)
Pros content:
Family Matters by Jane (47 pages)

ADULT SITUATIONS 3 (1988, Markalaine Press; available from Agent with Style)
Pros content:
Night by Jane (4 pages)

MAGNETISM 2 (Circa 1985, Australian press, no information)
Pros content:
Discoveries by Jane [Proslib]
You'll Be All Right on the Day by Jane [Proslib]

Jane's stories in series order

1) And Lovers, Long Ago (Proslib)
2) Dreaming Stone (Proslib)
3) Dark Dreaming (Proslib)
4) Dreams of Yet to Be (Proslib)
5) Dreams of Long Ago (FANTAZINE 1)

6) And Future Dreams by Wally (Proslib)

1) The Hunting, Book 1, Parts 1 - 5 (Proslib)
1) The Hunting, Book 1, Parts 6 - 10
2) For Raphael (HUNTING COMPANION 1)
3) Home Is the Hunter (HUNTING COMPANION 1)
4) Brandywine (HUNTING COMPANION 1)
5) Wait Upon the Wind (HUNTING COMPANION 1)
8) The Talisman (HUNTING COMPANION 1)
9) Rites of Passage (FANTAZINE 1)
10) The Firebird (HUNTING COMPANION 2)
12) Moonshadows (HUNTING COMPANION 2)
14) East of Midnight (HUNTING COMPANION 2)
15) Heron Summer (HUNTING COMPANION 2)
18) ELVENSONGS, THE HUNTING, BOOK 5, PART 1 (zine novel)
19) ELVENSONGS, THE HUNTING, BOOK 5, PART 2 (zine novel)
20) Snowbird (OTHER TIMES & PLACES 1)

It's Hard To Be a Bard by Cassie Ingaben

Songs for Raphael by Harmony (CROSS MY HEART 3)

1) Old Longings (Proslib)
2) Russian Roulette
3) Coda aka Better To Forget
4) Practical Demonstrations (IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST)
5) Acceptable Risks (Proslib)

1) Rainy Days (Proslib)
2) Confessions of a Shutterbug (Proslib)
3) My Cousin Raymond (Proslib)
4) Wind in the Willows (Proslib)
5) Family Matters (Proslib)
6) Chanson de Matin (Proslib)
7) Ice, Wind and Fire by Kathy Keegan (CROSS MY HEART 1)
8) Whistling in the Dark (Proslib)
9) A Fate Worse than Death (Proslib)
10) Yesterday's News (CROSS MY HEART 4)
11) Never Say Die (CROSS MY HEART 5)
12) Prodigals' Progress (CROSS MY HEART 6)
13) Sea Pictures (CROSS MY HEART 8)
14) FOR AULD LANG SYNE (zine novel)

WOLFEN series by Jane - Also called the Flesh & Steel Universe by Jane
1) FLESH & STEEL (zine novel)
2) BLOOD & FIRE (zine novel)
3) SOUL & STORM (zine novel)

Jane's stories inspired by Pros actors in other roles

ZAX/GALEN universe
1) MASTER OF THE REVELS by HG (zine novel)
Master of the Revels: An Alternative Prologue by HG

2) Bringer of Light and Magic by Jane (Proslib)

CZARDAS by Jane (zine novel)

HUW EVANS (MS in "Doctor in the House")
Doctor on the Squad by Jane (Proslib)

ZAX (MS in "Facelift")
Bringer of Light and Magic by Jane (Proslib)
MAGICKAL by Jane (zine novel; also in issues of CROSS MY HEART & FANTAZINE)
POWER & MAGICK by Jane (zine novel; also in CROSS MY HEART 10 & 11)

Kathy Keegan's Pros Stories & Zines

Compiled by Karen AKA TaVeryMate - Sept 2007 & Updated Dec 2011
[Info sources: my own zine and Circuit stories collections, Pen's story lists, some earlier story lists (notably Lily Fulford's list), Cassie Ingaben's database, the Proslib CD, the Hatstand Archive, the Circuit Archive, and the Nut Hatch zine master list (2004)]

NOTE: There is ongoing debate about whether or not Jane of Australia and Kathy Keegan are two pseudonyms for one and the same person or whether they are two separate people who shared similar styles, especially after years of frequent collaboration in writing and in zine publishing. Jane has strongly implied multiple times (in print interviews and in zine editorials) that she and Kathy are separate people. The Nut Hatch zines routinely referred to them as two separate people. Definitive statements on this issue are harder to find, and the potential wiggle room in some answers has fueled rumors and speculation. While there are certainly people who would know for sure, having known Jane and/or Kathy Keegan in person, I've not seen anyone absolutely confirm or deny the rumors. Personally, I consider it an open question at this point.

Stories by title (Alphabetical Order)
Adagio In Blue
Affairs of the Heart
The Angel of Rouen
Apprentice to a Pirate
Arabian Nights
Best of Enemies
Birds of Ill Omen
The Cassidy Legacy
Coming Home
Fancy Dancing
Gentle on My Mind, Chapters 1-5
Ice, Wind and Fire
The Importance of Being Raymond
In the Mood
Little White Lies
North Face
Pas de Deux
A Question of Priorities
The Silence of Knives
The Sovereign Voyage of Sinbad
Survival Run
Take the Stage
Terms of Endearment

Novels by title (Alphabetical Order)

AFFAIRS OF THE HEART by Kathy Keegan (1988, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

Affairs of the Heart - Omnibus Edition by Kathy Keegan (*No earlier than 1995, Nut Hatch Collective; oop): gathers together all 4 stories (Affairs of the Heart, Little White Lies, A Question of Priorities, Survival Run)

THE CASSIDY LEGACY by Kathy Keegan (1991, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

FANCY DANCING by Kathy Keegan (1991, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

Fancy Dancing - Omnibus Edition by Kathy Keegan (*No earlier than 1994-no later than 2000, Nut Hatch Collective; oop): gathers together all 3 stories (Fancy Dancing, Pas De Deux, Take the Stage)

GENTLE ON MY MIND by Kathy Keegan (1987, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

GENTLE ON MY MIND, Chapter 2 by Kathy Keegan (1988, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

GENTLE ON MY MIND, Chapter 3 by Kathy Keegan (1990, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

GENTLE ON MY MIND, Chapters 4 & 5 by Kathy Keegan (1994, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)

Zine Anthologies - only Kathy's stories listed

CROSS MY HEART 1 (1987, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Apprentice to a Pirate by Kathy Keegan
Ice, Wind and Fire by Kathy Keegan

CROSS MY HEART 2 (1988, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Adagio in Blue by Kathy Keegan

CROSS MY HEART 3 (1988, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
The Importance of Being Raymond by Kathy Keegan

CROSS MY HEART 4 (1988, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Little White Lies by Kathy Keegan

CROSS MY HEART 5 (1990, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
North Face by Kathy Keegan (8 pp)

CROSS MY HEART 7 (1991, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
The Angel of Rouen by Kathy Keegan

CROSS MY HEART 10 (1993, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Best of Enemies by Kathy Keegan

CROSS MY HEART 12 (1995, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Survival Run by Kathy Keegan

ENCORE! (1991, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Gentle on My Mind, Chapter 4 by Kathy Keegan (51 pp)
Pas de Deux by Kathy Keegan (50 pp)
A Question of Priorities by Kathy Keegan (52 pp)

ENCORE! 2 (1994, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
Gentle on My Mind, Chapter 5 by Kathy Keegan (108 pp)
Take the Stage by Kathy Keegan (47 pp)

FANTAZINE 4 (1992, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
The Sovereign Voyage of Sinbad by Kathy Keegan

FANTAZINE 5 (1993, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
The Silence of Knives by Kathy Keegan

FULL CIRCLE B/D OUTTAKES (1995, Nut Hatch Collective; oop)
In the Mood by Kathy Keegan
Birds of Ill Omen by Kathy Keegan

WHAT IF... (1992, Manacles Press; oop)
Terms of Endearment by Kathy Keegan

Kathy Keegan's stories in series order

1) AFFAIRS OF THE HEART (zine novel)
2) Little White Lies (CROSS MY HEART 4)
3) A Question of Priorities (ENCORE!)
4) Survival Run (CROSS MY HEART 12)

FANCY DANCING by Kathy Keegan
1) FANCY DANCING (zine novel)
2) Pas de Deux (ENCORE!)
3) Take the Stage (ENCORE! 2)

GENTLE ON MY MIND by Kathy Keegan
1) GENTLE ON MY MIND, CHAPTER 1 (zine novel)
2) GENTLE ON MY MIND, CHAPTER 2 (zine novel)
3) GENTLE ON MY MIND, CHAPTER 3 (zine novel)
4) Gentle on My Mind, Chapter 4 (ENCORE!)
5) Gentle on My Mind, Chapter 5 (ENCORE! 2)

6) LIFE GOES ON: GENTLE ON MY MIND, CHAPTER 6 by Joana Dey (Proslib)

RAINY DAYS by Jane - ONE story (#7) listed as written by Kathy Keegan
1) Rainy Days (Proslib)
2) Confessions of a Shutterbug (Proslib)
3) My Cousin Raymond (Proslib)
4) Wind in the Willows (Proslib)
5) Family Matters (Proslib)
6) Chanson de Matin (Proslib)
7) Ice, Wind and Fire by Kathy Keegan (CROSS MY HEART 1)
8) Whistling in the Dark (Proslib)
9) A Fate Worse than Death (Proslib)
10) Yesterday's News (CROSS MY HEART 4)
11) Never Say Die (CROSS MY HEART 5)
12) Prodigals' Progress (CROSS MY HEART 6)
13) Sea Pictures (CROSS MY HEART 8)
14) FOR AULD LANG SYNE (zine novel)

Kathy Keegan's stories inspired by Pros actors in other roles
JAMES GRIFFIN (MS in "Cassidy")
THE CASSIDY LEGACY by Kathy Keegan (zine novel)

RACHID (MS in "The Golden Voyage of Sinbad")
Arabian Nights by Kathy Keegan (Proslib)
The Sovereign Voyage of Sinbad by Kathy Keegan (FANTAZINE 4)

Story & Zine List Compilations Background
Back in 2007, a Pros fan asked for help in trying to track down Jane's complete oeuvre. She didn't have any idea where to look or, more importantly, what to look for. As I've been helping connect Pros fen and stories/zines for years, I couldn't resist her request and said I'd help, even knowing that it wouldn't be a simple task.

Why was this story list unusually challenging? In a nutshell: the sheer volume of stories, how many years Jane wrote in Pros, how many different places they were first published, how many places they were (or were not) later archived, and the number of series involved.

Jane was an extremely prolific author in Pros. She wrote Circuit stories from the mid 1980's on. She published her stories in numerous Pros anthologies, multi-media zines, letterzines, and as zine novels. Some were published through her own press (The Nut Hatch, with various name permutations over the years), while others were published by a wide variety of presses. One zine novel was paper published and provided with its own multi-media website. Some stories were archived on her own website (DOAW), now offline, some stories were archived through Proslib or at the Circuit Archive, while others have (so far) remained available only on the paper Circuit.

Additionally, many of Jane's stories are part of series, often scattered across multiple zines and letterzines and the Circuit. Some series were later collected in a single zine, or several zines might be collected into an omnibus edition.

*edited to fix typos*

taverymate, taverymatetree, tree

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