Discovered When You See This - Bored With Paperwork...

Sep 30, 2011 09:27

snailbones was kind enough to give me a prompt last week - how about either 'boredom' and/or 'paperwork'? she said, and I could immediately picture the lads, and so off I went, scribbling away... But it turns out that the lads desperately need help - please read under the cut to find out why and what you can do for them... *g*

Bored with Paperwork
by Slantedlight and...

The ex-farmhouse was small and self-contained, with a wide view across empty Berkshire fields, and just slightly too far to walk to the nearest pub. Cowley had thought, no doubt, that sending them off for the night to sort out the safehouse supplies, to get them out of Stuart’s furious way, and to write grade-A level reports on the six month op that had turned so disastrously sour, would give them undisturbed time to catch up on their paperwork and keep them out of trouble. It didn’t hurt that it was raining buckets outside, that the radio picked up more static than airwaves, or that there was a nearly full bottle of scotch in one of the kitchen cabinets.

Doyle should have known, though, that telling Bodie no one could make this much paperwork interesting was a mistake…

The Cow should have known better too, Doyle thought, staring vaguely at the piles of paper and folders and manila envelopes, sending two highly trained operatives off with boxes full of records - carbon copies and Top Secret stamps and all … and then he gasped as Bodie let one of the files flick gently against the side of his exposed cock, the page corners a hundred tiny touches amidst a waft of cool air. Bodie glanced up at the sound, grinned, and picked up another file, tried it again with one on either side.

He could break free, Doyle thought, pursing his lips so as not to whimper, he could break free and put a stop to this once and for all - it wasn’t as if a paperclip chain looped around a laundry drying rack was the strongest of bonds after all… “I ‘ope you’re watching out for papercuts,” he said instead, trying to keep his voice steady, leaving his arms stretched above him and grasping the wooden bars more firmly.

Bodie ignored him, putting the files aside at last and delving back into the box of office supplies they’d been given. “Now what have we here…?”


And then I hit a block! It doesn't matter how much I try, I can't get Bodie pulling the right equipment out of the box... I've got him pulling out this and that and the other, which I might add on below, but somehow it just wasn't all coming together.

And then I had an idea... *g*

I thought that maybe making this more of a joint effort would help the poor lads get through the night more... quickly...

Please help - what do you think Bodie finds, what does he do with it? Please continue the story in the comments below - either as a wee fic snippet, or by commenting with an idea you'd like to see someone else expand on, or as the continuation of someone else's continuation, or... anything at all, really! Help me finish this fic for snailbones!

What happens next?

Please come and help!


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