Re-Discovered on All Hallows Eve

Oct 02, 2009 21:54

Three years ago, empty_mirrors created one of my favourite Dialj banners of all times - for Discovered on All Hallow's Eve, and because she remains one of my favourite Pros writers, Pros artists, Pros vidders, and my absolute favourite co-mod, I'm being all self-indulgent and re-posting it for our October Challenge - a festival and celebration for 31st October: Samhain, Hallowe'en - Re-Discovered on All Hallow's Eve!

Yes, it's time for another Halloween challenge - the lads and something eerie, something scary, something... that might make them huddle together in the dark..? *g*

Therefore I invite you to create fic and art and vids and recs and tellings and anything else you might think of, to be posted at any time on the 31st October (in any country in the world, of course... *g*) in celebration of all things that go bump in the night...

Prompts are available if anyone would like one - you'll be given something halloween-y and a random adjective to be used as you will - but if you don't fancy a prompt then we'll look forward to that too!

If you think you might fancy playing, it'd be fab if you commented below, just so I can get all excited and look forward to it, but otherwise, we'll hope to see you in screaming woods and empty rooms...?

The usual rules apply - please use the trailer suggested on our user info page, please don't post after the challenge deadline (which is midnight 31st October, Pago Pago time - generally around noon the day after, Lad's Time), and really apart from that almost anything goes... *g*


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