Well, the Ashes are long over - huzzah for England! - and there is no more bizarre but strangely compelling commentary on the airwaves, so our challenge is over too... There was a rush of competition early on, but the final batting scores are:
tears_of_nienna - not out for 13
kiwisue - not out for 7
sunray45 - extra man - not out for 4
greengerbil - not out for 3
probodie - not out for 2
callistosh65 - not out for 2
byslantedlight - not out for 2
heliophile_oxon - out for a duck, but we adore her and her fic anyway... *g*
jaycat - LBW, but in very nice form... *g*
No, I don't really know what I'm talking about either (*g*) but isn't that half the fun of cricket? In any case -
tears_of_nienna is very clearly our finest batsman, and as promised there will be a prize winging it's way to you... if you drop me an email at slantedlight at google maildot com... *g*
Thank you everyone who played our very lazy Pros-y game of cricket - all entries will be archived via the user info page, as usual! For now though, a very (very) short breather before our next challenge...