Jan 08, 2005 00:45

Step 1: Put your media player on random.
Step 2: Pick your favorite lines from the first 30 songs that play.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song the lines come from.
Step 4: Bold the songs when someone guesses correctly.

a) " remember that night at my window, when i waved at you. i must have been only five or so, but i never forgot you. "
b) " now i'm sitting face to face with lonleyness. what did i expect? did i see forever in you? "
c) " i can really never tell you how i feel, and for that i eternally apologize. "
d) " storm clouds may gather, and stars may collide, but i love you, until the end of time. "
e) " well johnny doubled up with a royal flush, i had three jacks, and a pair of nines. "
f) " all i can see, is the smiles fall asleep. and now i'm scared, and now i'm scared, and now i'm scared. "
g) " wouldn't it be the best damn day if we all took time to breathe? "
h) " i need someone to take some joy in something i do. "
i) " the more i step into the sun, the more i step out of the light. "
j) " like a saturday night i'll be gone before you knew that i was there. "
k) " i think tonight i'll take the long way. in this weather the wind outside is fighting, it's left me feeling tired and exposed. "
l) " and talk to me, like you don't know what we ever fought about, because i don't remember anymore. "
m) " i'm far too shy to speak to you at school. "
n) " we were both sixteen and it felt so right, sleeping all day, staying up all night. "
o) " diamonds where there once were stars, i'm sitting in jayne mansfield's car. "
p) " and that's the way we get by, the way we get by. "
q) " it's taken everything in me just to forget your sweater so far. "
r) " maybe when i'm done with endings this can begin. "
s) " hope you find out what you want, already know what i am. "
t) " the months don't matter, it's the days i can't take, when the hours move to minutes and i'm seconds away. "
u) " you were the last good thing about this part of town. "
v) " i go outside, to my surprise the sky had landed. "
w) " here i go, scream my lungs out, try to get to you, you are my only one. "
x) " excuse me, too busy in writing your tragedy, your mishaps you bubble-wrap. "
y) " i waited here for so long, thinking that you'd see. you just kept on running away, you made your misery my company. "
z) " i'm only happy when it's complicated, and though i know you can't appreciate it. "
y) " you're not the one but you're the only one who can make me feel this way. "
x) " if we go down we go down together, best friends means, well best friends means. "
w) " and here i sit on the front porch, watching the drunks stumble forth into the night. "
v) " you smile at me, it's everything. "

anyways, becky came over today after school. there were seven people under the age of fourteen in my house, it was so fun. we were crazy, and we played intense hide-and-go-seek. kayla brought her "buba" or whatever those things are called over, and we had fun using that word in sentences, "if you know what i mean." also, i had on a baseball jersey with my last name and the number eight on it, and we told kayla to read it, and she stares at it really hard for about three minutes and then says, "eight?" it was fun.

and tomorrow, mall with lauren early and then maybe going to visit dan to make him feel better.
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