Between receiving, over cappuccino, some sweetly-delivered but mostly annoying unsolicited advice about My Career Direction For The Rest of My Life, rediscovering what Lenox Mall is like on a weekend, and having to issue a kindly-worded ultimatum to a member of my wedding party, today was not the grandest Sunday I've ever had.
But, yesterday! Adam and I shared some quality time at
La Madeleine, which has been newly declared our official hangout thanks to the $1.69 unlimited coffee and free bread and jam. A county line away from the faux-French bakery, I scored a pair of red heels for $9.63. And, earlier in the day, I'd spent five minutes laughing over breakfast after reading this paragraph at the end of the e-mail Adam wrote me from work:
Oh one more thing I forgot to mention yesterday. When I was at the
store I was standing next to a very tall black man (easily 7'0" or taller),
and all he bought was 6 large containers of marshmallow fluff. Then he
grabbed a plastic bag wrapped his credit card in it, and then scanned
it through the scanner. I was just perplexed by the whole thing.
Tomorrow, between my classes with a Colombian news anchor and a new student from Morocco, Adam and I are heading down to our wedding site to have the final meeting with the location coordinator and the caterer -- neither of whom we've met, because the people in those positions keep leaving their jobs. The last go-to person at the catering company left her husband and then ran off with her girlfriend to North Carolina (I think? Perhaps I am just imagining the husband part of the story, but it makes things more interesting, no?). The wedding's still two months away, but a lot of the plans have to finished sooner than I expected. This is not so good, as I tend to excel at languishing around in the middle of plans rather than grappling with the ends.
I appreciate that Japan never seems too far away -- as if it is almost feasible tonight for me to still have half my life in that thin-walled M-G Town apartment, and to be able to sit down at the smooth wood dining table with Kristy and a plate of cheese and crackers and our 100-yen-store sake set.