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The more I listen to Miley Cyrus' newest single "We Can't Stop" and the more I watch the video, the more I like them. I've been a huge fan of radio pop for over a decade (marked by the release of Justin Timberlake's Justified and my discovery of music ratings communities), so I'm not sure whether or not my opinions there are particularly useful
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that's th opposite of th point I made
As th media, we have infinite choice what to talk about and how to talk about it
We (you, me, & th so-called popular media) are talking about famous girls gone wild why, exactly ? Does Miley Cyrus have anythign to do w/ my life ? No. Do I care how wild she is, or how crazy, or how well-behaved ? No. And yet here I am participating in a conversation about her new video (which I wouldn't hav eknown about w/o you) and its relation to her personal life and popular media scrutiny thereof. Why ?
Fox News probably has its own take on this important matter. Th Hairpin probably spins it th opposite way. CNN might be spinning th story right down th middle, depending on what time of day it is. And everyone gets entertained bouncing their opinions back and forth, linking to th enemy opinion, and working themselves into a cathartic lather. That's th state of entertainment -- heated, cathartic, indulging audience participation, and ultimately forgettable
Meanwhile, what all media outlets seem to agree upon is that it is our job to have an opinion on Miley Cyrus (or whomever) & her personal life. Everybody makes a buck (including Miley Cyrus, naturally), and nothing changes
-- none of which is meant as a personal attack on yr essay, Reuben. I enjoyed reading it, and agree that Miley Cyrus is no more crazy than I was in my 20s. My disagreement is about strategy. Th way to make something in th popular media disappear is to ignore it. Unlike art, which is created as a gift, popular media doesn't keep existing w/o attention. You keep tuning into stories about how slutty Paris Hilton is or whatever, they'll keep making 'em
If th point of yr essay isn't to make change but simply to blow off some steam, ignore all of th above
TL;DR version: leave Britney alone
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