i'm still alive,
things are decent. i started tattooing on grapefruits. kevin and mary treat me like gold and i could ask for better bosses or better friends. i'm learning alot from kevin, and i'm hoping someday in the future i will have a unique and sought after tattooing style.
life is funny.
5 of my paintings are still on display at your local police evidence room. wondering about them. wondering how i went so wrong with that whole situation. working on fixing it and being more aware of my surroundings and situations in the future.
i'm a love bird. and my heart is ever restless. my loves i still love them all. sometimes people need a lot of cool down time. ALOT.
different year different day... and we're all just needles in the hay and nature keeps pricking it's fingers. it's funny how clear our path is to some people and not to most. we are destroying the world around us, and the rate almost doubles every year. it's sad, sickening, disgusting. we are gross. fat fucking pigs walking ourselves to the slaughter. we will make good fertilizer but our toxins and our boxes will not. i've been to the future and it's more sad than all the things we refuse to recognize in the present. we are all going down and it's almost to late to displace the incoming water on this fancy boat with a nasty hole in it. iceburg right ahead, and we'll be worm fodder before we even know what hit us. because it already has and now it's just a matter of time. unless we start now to build a better future for all humanity.
but at least for today the air still remains somewhat sweet and the clouds roll back to the stars. it's really too bad we don't love the world for what it gives us anymore. talk about taking for granted. monkeys in pants. how many does it take to unscrew a lightbulb?