Feb 05, 2007 04:46
i'm going to just freewrite in this time that everything seems so right it is all about to come to an end and beautiful collapse and beautiful oocurence...
i had such a great time, i wanted you to know that
when you are around my smile stretches my face to show my joy of knowing the likes of you. being so close to the likes of you. you are wearing the devils sunglasses but i've seen your angel eyes and they are are startling. waking up to you makes me look forward to every day no matter the circumstances otherwise i felt completely at ease knowing you'd have some way to flipflop it around into a filey smace. you are my glass half full and i am a thirsty girl... half-emptied. i can't stand the thought of never feeling your love again.
we had a greeeeeaaaat time and thats all that matters right well good good good everything is good (allthingsgoallthingsgo) sing it brother. sing it louder, sing it like you mean it. i will write you a love song and there will be no words, and no music. just utter silence. deafening silence. the kind that makes the brain hurt the kind that makes one crave rythym more than food. to break apart the silence is to distract the mind from everything that really is. the world was a mostly quite place, we make it noisey. and the bugs and the birds and the rapids and the thunder. oh the thunder. and those crashes oh those crashes. how tantalizing they are so sudden, so emveloping, ... and then gone in an instant. i tried not to blink for 3 months and i ended up smiling so much my eyes would become blurry with tears. happy ones. i am lucky to even know this kind of calm. i am wrong to forget some children have worms in their bellies that steal what little sustinance they may find.....
i wanted to be their on that special day but his eyes they dont see me the way they dont see me like they used to. not as they thought i could be or thought i was. now you know, i am a weak creature with little to explain itself. i am a silence that doesn't want to be heard. i am the impossible things that you were assured couldn't possibly happen. don't forget about creativity, with it there is always an open door. nothing is final. we as a species are ever changing we cannot be contained in black&white this world is a bagillion and one colors and we cannot limit our palettes. the world is our canvas. we have the ability to paint it how we see fit. do we? do we do we dowedowedowe.
im so sorry i broke your heart, your spirits or made you lose hope in any way. you gave me hope in humanity and i didnt return that to you. i miss the good times like snow drentched grass misses warm sunlight. my sunshine, it's very cold these days in the haze. im sorry im not there to warm your soul.
i am a chainsmoker by design.
my heart is on display now and again i cant help myself
i am a fucking joke with no punchline
i'm in between why and because and i can't get out, my heart still lays in the front yard burried in cold white.
ventricle deep baby.