I haven't posted in a long time, and this is just going to be a bunch of stories from the past weeks.
Also, Germany's #3. Not bad, I say!
Just a little late for the 4th. Because it's OK to desecrate American Icons if you're Christian.
Christians tried to run them out of town. But they're only atheists, so there's no problem.
Or is there? I guess the "Judeo" part of "Judeo-Christian" doesn't apply anymore?
Even soldiers who die for our country aren't allowed freedom of religion. Now, I don't care what's on my tombstone. After all, I'll be dead. And I've always seen Wiccans as a buch of chubby chicks who like to recycle (c. Adam Corolla), but apparently this guy wants a pentagram on his grave. But, those persecuted Christians might get offended, so screw him.
Scroll down a bit
here to read the story of how one man was turned to Zombieism by Republicans in "What I did on my Summer Vacation." Read the rest of the stuff too, because Kevin-M has the best written blog in the state.
And if you think Keith Ellison is the worst thing to hit Minnesota since, well, something else really bad, check out
Keith Ellison Exposed. Pay close attention to the rampant anti-Muslim/black sentiment in the comments. Probably coming from a persecuted Christian. I don't like Ellison that much either, but come on!
And finally, in case there aren't enough links here, check out
Millard Fillmore's Bathtub who is attempting to debunk the myths of America's past. The name comes from a hoax perpetrated by H.L. Mencken (whose "The American Language" I unsucessfully just tried to read) that still appears in history pamphlets to this day. I bet there's a Trivial Pursuit question that involves Fillmore, and I bet the answer is wrong.
Next I'm going to attempt a full split over to blogger.com. I'll let you know how it goes.
Your No Symbol leader,