Sep 03, 2009 12:32
I made it to the gym. One hour on the treadmill, which is the minimum I always do. It went by particularly fast yesterday, since I found a commercial-free showing of Casablanca. Nice. Usually I push myself extra hard for an additional 10 to 20 minutes, but opted against it last night. Good thing I did, it turns out, for while at it, everything was as fine as could be expected. Within about 10 minutes of stopping, however, my lungs filed a formal complaint with the management and threatened to go on strike. Round two tonight. Friday - weights get brought back into the mix.
Memphis has been heaving an unseasonably temperate weather as of late. This combined with a screened-in patio of my house compels me to spend much of my free time parked in the comfy chair on said patio, with a cup of coffee and a book. Actually three in the last 10 days. Which, I admit, is a rather high consumption by my standards. Granted, I'm not exactly reading literary masterpieces here, but still. Last night was particularly nice, and having come home from the gym, I cleaned up and parked myself outside for a bit of pre-slumber reading. I then, much to my own surprise, found myself face to face with the back cover of the book. Which is when a thought crossed my mind, suggesting that quite a bit of time must have passed since I sat down to read, since I had well over 200 pages left when I began. Checking the phone - which was at my side the whole time, confirmed my suspicion and revealed that it was in fact 2:20. Leaving me with no more than three and a half hours of sleep. Surprisingly, I'm fairly ok so far today, though I've procured a red-bull at lunch just in case.