Let’s recap and then I will have a moment or two on other things.
1. I had 4 new testing request and they are due by noon Tuesday. There is absolutely no coordination in this process. The guy in Puerto Rico is all set. He did his thing and now I’m going to do my thing. The guy sitting two desks from me has not gotten the go ahead to do his thing. The huge request which ruined my life for a week because what I tested now has to be moved to another environment and more configurations has to be done on it. Most of these requests have been sitting out there for months and now there is a big rush to do them.
For my part I have all the scenarios in place for three out of the five. The other two will take me an hour to do.
2. I had a meeting with my manager on the big project. She wants me to create 500 test cases. The actual testing begins around Thanksgiving and ends at the New Year.
3. Thank you…we did not have the stupid emergency evacuation. It was hard enough for people to get to work yesterday without having to wander the street of Boston in the rain. I know…emergencies don’t wait for good weather. I was not in the mood to fall down a couple of steep, grimy staircases and be on leave while my broken arm and leg heal.
Back to culling the heard.
I think that the advent of technology is another way of decreasing the population. You know that all these people who wander around plugged into MP3 players or fixated on their smart phone/tablet/netbook while getting from point A to B are doomed…right? I’m just very annoyed by people caught in their own little world to the detriment of everything and everybody around them. Hey, I have a smart phone, an MP3 player, a netbook and an e-reader but I don’t plug in and tune out.
I was trying to get to my bus and this woman was on her cell phone in front of me. She wasn’t talking…she was reading. She drifted in every direction so that you couldn’t go around her. It was useless to try to get her attention because she had earbuds in. I eventually found a way around and had to run for my bus. This would not be a problem for me if it was an anomaly but it is the norm. People can’t look up from their e-readers long enough to watch where they’re going.
Why will this cull the herd? People will try to cross streets while talking on cell phones or while listening to music. Cars will not stop for you. They will suddenly see you and slam on their breaks but it will be too late. I’m not letting people in cars off. A car is to drive. It is a place where you attend to the road. It is not a place where if you are the driver you get dressed, put on make-up, read the newspaper, make calls or text your friends. I don’t want to see earbuds either. Do people care what is going around them? Do they have any concern for themselves or others around them?
I think that the stupidest thing I have ever seen is people walking alone at night with earphones on. As far as I’m concerned they are culled. If they actually make it home with out being robbed, raped or murdered I will be surprised. In the morning I have to walk almost two miles down a deserted bike path. Am I paying attention to multi-media? No. I am walking with purpose. I have my cell phone in my hand but I am very aware of my surroundings. I also walk with attitude. This means that if you come near me someone is going down but it won’t be me. You ought to see me when I have to take an umbrella…also known as “the club”.
All I have to say is to be aware of people and things around you. The media will be there when you get to your destination. Is your life worth it? Are you that sheep waiting to be culled by the wolf?
Work calls….
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