1. Nobody left my company yesterday. Yay!! There was a different vibe about a year ago when they didn’t send out the “Notice of Separation” emails. There was a certain calm in the ignorance. Now it’s just very disconcerting. Granted some people have left because they have found better jobs. I expect those to be one person e-mails. Sometimes I’m okay with being ignorant about why they left. Sometimes I go on vacation and there is an e-mail with seven names and you know that was not voluntary. My company needs to give its employees an odd treat or new policy like…jeans can be worn everyday not just casual Fridays. Throw us a bone.
2. Yesterday was “Team Spirit” day. It was the opening game of the Football season. We were allowed to wear jeans and a sports team shirt. Later they amended that because not everyone in Boston is a sports fan and some of the employees are not even from Massachusetts. I wore the previously described fish t-shirt. How else did they celebrate? We got a mini bag of Smartfoods popcorn. Just what I need a bag of salt.
3. P is going to be beaten up by me. He was having some worrying symptoms so he went to his PCP and didn’t tell me. Then he happened to mention that he was going for a six months check-up with the gastroenterologist. That was a lie. He was going for the symptoms. It turns out that it wasn’t anything to worry about …much. He has to take some medication for a week or so and he should be fine. I’m going to hit him for not telling me. I know he did it so I wouldn’t worry but I actually hate that. I hate being kept in the dark or out of the loop. It drives me crazy.
4. I incurred credit card fees and that pisses me off. I put my bills in a specific place so that I will see and pay them. P has a need to move things around on a minute by minute basis because he can’t stand things piling up. He moved my bills. I suddenly forgot they existed. This is a lesson to me to keep more mindful of where things are. It also tells me to pay by Paypal or my banks e-pay or by debit card. Screw the credit cards. Btw, I was on the phone with Sears last night and that will never happen again. I felt like I was in a bad comedy sketch trying to get through their automated system to a human. Making me fuck around on the phone and get annoyed in the process is not good customer service.
azryalhas posted a new entry to “The Red King”…Chapter 8. She has set me on the path to Michael Fassbender/James McAvoy fan fiction with a pirate theme. Damn her. LOL
6. Possible humor from work…Yesterday, I spent the day cleaning, formatting and uploading data into the test application. At least, I was trying to. Everything has to be done in a specifically formatted Excel spreadsheet. I spent hours not getting anywhere because of the errors. I was totally, screamingly (it’s a new word) frustrated. A member of my team stood next to me and offered a couple of tips on dealing with Excel and the freaking things uploaded seamlessly. Every time he walked away I had problems. I told him that he needs to stand by me today while I upload the last batch of data. He had better because the last batch of data is something that he configured. I told him otherwise I won’t test it. I’m not evil. I’m just extremely frustrated by the test application.
7. My manager was locked in her office all day doing her personal review and those under her (me and another woman). I know she’s busy but she had time to do this earlier. It was due weeks ago. She can work on this from home. She only works half a day…from home…on Friday. I don’t really care what she writes about me because I’m not getting a merit raise because of the new job. I already got quite a pay hike. I’m not sure if I’ll see her today either.
Work calls….
Sorry about the lj user issue but it is azryal on livejournal. She's not on DW that I know about.
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