Jan 03, 2010 09:57
its the day i died.
i told him, i am already feeling uncomfortable, and upset, he knows.
i said, i will jus blow up anytime, so don make me, he knows.
i thought he knows, how to handle me well, and when i am upset, and threw my temper, jus ignore me and ignore my sacarsam.
turns out i am wrong.
it escalate from there, and deteriote from there too.
before i know it, he is screaming at top of his voice outside the lift, luring my neighbour to come watch.
am i suppose to move house?
sometimes, its not just about being in love
its not just about who's right who's wrong
its not just about, us.
i hate to let it go, cause i believe he is the one who's going to hold my hand til i am old.
i really believe that, i really really believe that.
now i am lost.
i know i cant go back to him.
my heart just keep dying.
i am so lost, and scared.
i cant even have the courage to call anyone. at all