Good job, unfinished

Aug 23, 2006 04:55

So here we have a pervert, (Wayne Buckle from New York) who makes completely unrequited sexual advances to a woman (note how he chose a 'petite' woman as his target, probably because they seem less threatening to this impotent slob). She and her friends beat him up and then he has the gall to call this some 'hate crime' against 'straight white men', a category of people we all know is of course widely victimized and under great threat of prejudice in the US...

The idiot admits in his testimony that he had been hanging out in this same place where he was 'attacked' ('punished' is a better word) for some time, over many evenings, probably intimidating countless other women before finally some took justice into their own hands. In the story he targets one woman with his none too subtle sexual advances, (imagine, a rich white asshole, 5ft10, 175 pounds, he thinks he is the king, he thinks he is irresistible, of course, he has all the privileges this society gives to people of his background).

He targets her because, as he says, he 'liked how she wore her hair', as if she was some kind of merchandise on display specially for him to appraise and choose. The woman is freaked out of course, and tries to ignore him (note how this perv' reports she half-smiled, a typical delusion for that kind of sick mind who think all women want is to sleep with them). Thankfully, she is not alone and her friends come to her help. The guy, startled by this unexpected resistance, calls them lesbians and spits on them. Then he is surprised they retaliate and beat the shit out of him...

I hope the guy learned a lesson, though from what I read at the end of the article, the guy says, more or less, that he will "know which girls not to talk to". Yeah, I fear the only thing he learned is not to attack groups of women in a public place again. Note how he still doesn't understand what is wrong with what he did, claiming that "It's not a crime to say hello to a human being" when in fact he randomly molested a woman in the street when she rejected his sexual advances.

I am surprised they seem to be letting him out freely. That guy is guilty of a hate crime, he attacked those women because they were lesbian. Out of sexual frustration, he did not hesitate in physically assaulting them because they made fun of his appearance. I only wish they had finished him off or that the blade had targeted his genitals. Hopefully he will have permanent scars forever reminding him of this oh so special and delightful evening. Street justice. Sweet justice.


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