Essays - Hitler's Religion: "The only way to deny Hitler's Christianity is to define 'Christian' in a bigoted manner, ie- 'to be Christian is to be moral', which is the refrain of those who would believe that you can determine someone's morality (or lack thereof) by simply asking what religious beliefs he holds.
Those who would deny Hitler's Christianity on the basis of his immoral actions are guilty of not only religious bigotry but also circular logic: as they see it, Hitler is consistent with their belief that all Christians are moral because he was not a Christian, and they know he was not a Christian because all Christians are moral!
In conclusion, not only is the falsehood of the "Hitler was not a Christian" myth glaringly obvious to any reasonable observer, but it is quite clear that for very obvious reasons, the proponents of this myth will stoop to any depth in order to perpetuate it. Sadly, its longevity serves as mute testimony to the power of propaganda."
This serves as a counter-point to
my previous post. I can't believe the idiots who think the USA can be a long-term ally of Israel. The only reason Americans support Israel is that they think that will bring on Judgment Day and the return of Jesus.
The Christians are anti-Semitic. The Muslims are merely anti-Zionist. Muslims would be happy with a peaceful solution to the Intifada. After all, they lived in peace with Jews for centuries. Christians would not be happy with a resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict. They believe that the worse it gets, the closer the “Day of Reckoning” gets. A day that incidentally involves getting rid of all Jews.
Besides, Muslims respect the Old Testament. Not like the Christians who think the New Testament supersedes the old. Mohammed didn't have any problem with Jews. Jesus, he, wanted to get them out of the Temple and take over Jerusalem. When people tell you Jesus was a Jew, don't believe them. That is PC bull crap.
I will leave my rant about Jesus the woman-hater for another occasion. Mohammed did like women. He owed them most of his wealth and power. He was some kind of “gigolo” in his beginnings, thus being placed in the subordinate position that was reserved mostly to women at the time. This is why his policies towards women were so advanced for their time. He understood their plight and the need for them to acquire legal and financial independence.