woot woot back

Aug 19, 2005 17:41

Came to the conclusion that I'd rather still type my life out
on this lj rather than my other one. Well today was an awesome
day, I went to bed at 1:30-2 and woke up at 6:30 got to the DMV at 9:50
and waited for freaking ever to take my permit test, which I
passed without cheating -::cough:: still love ya!- Anyways I only
got 2 wrong so I was pretty much proud of myself. Then I
start Behind the Wheel classes on the 29th where they teach me
to drive basically everywhere and anywhere. I actually have to
go on the freeway and the 405 so I'm like o.o I don't want to die.

Oh Alex is here, gots to run!

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