Aug 03, 2003 16:00
lions was good last night. the boys played like champions, as im sure you'd all like to know. ive got too much work and i really couldn't be screwed doing any. i know i will regret this.
went to uq open day today and a lecture on environmental management. it was awesome. my mind is made up.
had another fight with mum and seriously this is shitting me to tears. the situation is this: we either get along really well and everything is ok, or its the other end of the spectrum and we are yelling at each other etc etc. im really sick of it. and the fights are always about money. how much this costs, how much that costs, and i dont even ask her for anything. but the issues are still about money. i HATE money. *double take* it's a bastard.
we had that stupid whisper fight (manda would know the one im talking about) when ur in kmart and ur having a really bad fight but its in this little vicious whisper because ur trying not to make a scene. i spent the rest of the time at indro walking 5 metres behind her like i was a 3 yr old chucking a tantrum. the only difference is that im almost 17... *hides in shame*... but i needed to make a statement and pissing her off by walking 5 metres behind her was the only way possible.
ive got too much work to do. not enough motivation.