I think I'm gonna update this journal once in a while.....

Sep 17, 2001 09:17

...just cuz I know that no one reads it anymore. Okay, so it's a lil after 9 in the morning. I'm supposed to be in school... And I'm not. And yet, that's not MY fault. I woke up at 7:30 to the sound of my mother telling the cats to be good, and then I heard the door slam, and i heard her pull out of the driveway. I was confused because I leave an hour earlier than my mom, and I thought maybe she was leaving extra extra early, but I couldn't figure out why. I looked at my cell phone for the time, and I got confused. I don't understand why no one woke me up.. I mean yeah, I did feel like shit last night, but I was planning on going to school anyway. Oh well.. maybe I'm better off? I don't have school tomorrow.

So anyway, considering the fact that no one reads this, I'm going to go on all that I want about one subject without people asking me why I care so much... and Yes, I WILL give a reason for why I care so much. Obviously, this is going to be about last Tuesday and the world trade center and all that bright happy stuff.

Okay, so this was fucked up. everyone knows that.. It was smart though...for the most part anyway. I'm not sure if they thought the consequences through, but still, it was a good plan. Maybe these people had their reasons. From what I've been hearing people are saying something about us disgracing their god or something like that? I know how far fetched this is, but I just wish anyone could go anywhere and not have to abide by another persons way of life or beliefs.. It's just not fair. Those same people who make us do that could just as easily come into this country and remain the same person, with the same beliefs and no ones gonna try and blow things up in their countries.Some people will say that this is our governments fault. Since when is letting people be diverse a fault??
Another thing about this that's really scary is that this could've happened at anytime by anyone. I mean, all you have to do is go on the plane with a frikkin can of hairspray and a carry on bag.. Youve got your weapons right there. I know supposedly those people had knives, but still. You could spray the pilot in the eyes with hairspray, and knock him out with a bag that you brought on the plane. It's really not that compplicated. There are so many other ways to get around that too without actually having to possess a real weapon.
It also sucks that so many people are being such assholes to the president.. Like those first few days when he wasn't making a decision people were getting pissed and they were getting really impatient, just waiting for him to take action. Is it that hard to understand that there IS no decision without a definite person to put the blame on? I mean really, can people be so stupid to not realize how hard a decision like this really is? I'd like to see those people try to be president for just a day. They'd see how tough it is, but then they would also probably get nervous and make the mistake of just deciding right then and there to strike back.. And at that time no one would really know, and if it turned out not to be who it was thought to be, they could've killed a buttload of innocent people. I really don't think many see how dangerous it is to be president right now.. Everyone's letting out all of his locations, and everyday he puts his life on the line, just to make this a better situation.He takes a HUGE risk constantly. It's sad that we have to get back at them with violence, but obviously these aren't the kind of people that you sit down and talk to.. And we can't just let it go and let them think that it's okay to do things like this. But maybe violence can serve as something good, as long as we rid the world of all of these people. Sandee and I were talking the other night about how they'll kill all these innocent people and kids and whatnot.. and I was thinking that I don't care, because these kids are all raised to hate americans, which could just put us in danger in the future.

Also, I've noticed that so many people are turning to religion now. I mean, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing, not at all. I know that people need comfort and they'll take it anyway that they can get it. It just makes me think how this guy who did this has all these followers. He brainwashes these people, and uses religion as a tool to make these people believe him, and die for him.

I don't think anyone's safe. But I also don't think that anyone should put their lives on hold for this. I believe that security shoulg tighten up in a big huge way. This could've happened anywhere, to anyone at anytime. Everyone takes a risk when they walk out of their door in the morning, or whenever. You're taking a risk by being alive. There's no reason to stop your lives, because no matter what there's always that chance that you might not come home..

Everytime I see things on the news about all those missing people, i feel like im gonna cry. I couldn't even begin to imagine what I would do if it was someone I knew or someone in my family. I did know people who worked there or in the area. My friend's dad worked there a lot... my niece's grandmother on her mom's side of the family worked directly across the street, and my brother worked right there too. They all ended up being okay... My friend's dad just happened to be in Newark that day instead of wtc, my niece's grandmother saw the entire thing and as far as I know she's STILL not talking to anyone about it. My brother saw it.

I'm trying to convince my parents to buy war bonds to help pay for it and stuff. Apparently you can make a lot of money on it after years pass by.. It might take ten yrs, but oh well.. My brother and I were talking about that, and he said "Well, what if there is no '10 yrs later'?" and then I said, "either way then it won't make a difference because if theres nothing 10 yrs from now, we won't be needing the money then." So I think it's a good idea. I also think that the world trade center should be re-built. but out of something more than glass and metal.

sometimes i feel so selfish to think about nyc, and how i wanted to go to school there, and how this whole thing might affect my future somehow.

I wanna help out with this whole thing, and I'm going to. I have so many memories of that place.. I remember being inside of the towers and everything. I remember being there with Cass, and burping really loud and it echoing.. I remember Cass and I decided that it was my loudest burp ever and we called it my "World Trade Center Burp". I remember wandering around outside of it with Ken and looking at the sculpture thingies right outside. I also remember changing my shoes there with Ken too...and the coffee shop inside that me and Ken went to... I remember getting some kind of weird cappucino with mint stuff in it, and I remember I thought it was gross so i threw it out. *sigh* it's funny how you remember little things like that.

Anyway, I know some people don't understand why so many care about this so much. I care about this simply because it matters.. and in a big way.I could just sit here and not care about it...but it's important, and I realize that I want to do things to support it.. I wanna help, and I wanna know who's missing just in case I know any, and who knows?? maybe I could have seen someone... I want to know whats going on, because it affects me. It affects everyone whether they want to be affected or not. So many people don't even realize what they have and how lucky they are, and not even something like this can pull them away from themselves to make them realize it. I realize that I take a lot of things for granted.. I really do. I always knew, but things like this make it surface more. I can't believe that things like this can't just make people realize how small and insignificant their problems really can be. Some problems defintely are big, but in reality, most aren't. People just love to make them seem like theyre something huge and bitch and gripe about them when they could be getting over them. What happened on Tuesday isn't like that. It's not the product of self absorbed petty brat drama. It was real, and maybe they are going on about it on the news, but it's because many people wanna know, and many people care. They let people know who's missing, what people can do to help, they're doing it all to make the situation better. And that's a lot more than most people do for their own little problems, they'd rather sit there and complain. The other day one of my teachers said that he thinks it should be a college requirement to live in another country for a certain amount of time, just so that they can realize how different it is, and how no matter how much you hate the government of america, or how much you think this country sucks, it's better than any one of them out there. sometimes i cant believe that people can be so cold.
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