Aug 12, 2001 16:19
I don't think i'm going to bother with writing about last night because apparently it was such a *waste* and whatnot.
A lot, or maybe not a lot, but some of my friends have been quite strange lately. It's kinda getting to me now. It's pushing me farther and farther into trying to help my parents find a new place to move to. It really is. And I'm beginning not to care, almost not at all. I can maybe think of like 3 people that I'd miss at this point. and it's funny because I can't come up with who the third would be, I can only name 2... and that's sad.
And another thing, I really wish someone would help Gen out today. All that she wants is to go out, so someone better get their butt over to her house and pick her up! I'd help, and have her come over, or something, but I have to go with Brian today to pick Ricky up from the airport...
...which is also scaring me. I just don't know how it's gonna be when I see him... I haven't seen him since we were together... so this is gonna be totally new to me. Oh well...i should be okay...i think... i hope... oh boy.
In conclusion, I would like to say that many people are just being COMPLETE boogers today. Stop being such snots, go blow your nose, and be NICE!! and do it just because I said so. Thank you and goodnight. or maybe not good night... goodbye.