Woah, once again it's been a long time. Apparently drinking Miller High Life on a Tuesday night may cause one to ponder far too deeply into the consequences of her menial existence. Especially when that "one" may have also been partaking in some deep shit, i.e. Borges' "Labyrinths." Man that shit is deep. Anyway, whatevs. My life is made joyous by deep flowing streams of LOLcats, turkey sandwiches, beer, art and true love. So what.
Tomorrow I'm installing a black-lit Jesus box somewhere around my college. It comes complete with a pink velour curtain, silky zebra shimmer ceiling, black shag carpet, and puffy leopard print pillows. You can get inside and think about what you've done. Yeayuh.
College for me is almost done and that's pretty neat. I feel pretty edu-ma-cated. I hope I can find some money in a hole somewhere. Or some blind people who need websites so my horrible problem with div tags won't ever be discovered.
Yup. Perhaps a photo to sum things up:
Cool. See you cats in another year!
♥ your dubs