I feel very settled in... I feel like this place is my home now. Already. It's crazy.
So yeah, last night I almost died in like 5 different ways. After watching a sweet Spanish movie with my friend Tyler, we went outside for a smoke and met these reeeeally creepy Po-town thug guys. And yeah, they were creepy, and they asked this kid Eli (who was also sitting there) to let them into our dorm, and he did. Which, in hindsight, was a bad idea. So yeah... weird. Then like 5 minutes later, after smoking two ciggs, I suddenly felt really sick and dizzy and cold... so I was like, BYE GUYS! GOING TO BED! And I barely made it up to my dorm room... it was crazy. I thought I was going to die. But then I drank some water and sat on the stairs and I felt okay again... just really shaky. It was so awkward. But anyway, I then went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, and on my way out, I unfortunately intercepted the creepy Po-town kids, and they were all like HEY WE KNOW YOUR NAME, AND NOW WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE :::sketchy laughing::: ahhhhhh, so basically now I'm going to be locking my door a lot more, especially at night.
Did I mention I think I have like... pneumonia? Wow I think I spelled that really wrong. My throat/chest is filled with phlegm, and every time I cough all this shit comes up into my mouth and makes me want to gag all around the room. It's grody. hahaha. I'm hoping it'll go away soon... like, I don't feel sick, I just sound like a have a really awful smoker's hack. Which might be the case... ewww gross. I'm so gross! ahahaha...
Yesterday I got a lot of homework done, and I wrote a random narrative for my English class about a guy who goes crazy. It's pretty random, but I sort of like it. I like writing. I like my classes so much. The Cog Sci reading was LONNNNG and DEATTHHLY, but all in all, this shit it was talking about was CRAAAZY and COOL. I totally forgot that thinking can actually be a pretty good time. lolzzz. Haha I just wrote "lolzzz". Hawt damn.
I can't wait 'till I have my own radio show. Schwiggidy schwiggidy schway. I'm just going to put the Gardenstate soundtrack on a loop for three hours! woooh! hahaha (JUST KIDDING...) yeeeah...
I've been laughing so much lately that my stomach muscles are sore. ahahaha, oh well, maybe it's good exercise or something... hahaha. prrrobably not. ah well. I can at least aspire... (what?)
The library here is so beautiful; every time I go into it, I feel really awestruck and it's nice. =]] They have a shitload of DVDs too... like pretty much anything at all you could possible want. For free. Yayyy.
WELL I'm going to go outside because it is ab-so-lute-ly GORRRGEOUS, and yay. I need to hack up some more phlegm also... 'cause when I breathe I sound like I';m growling. Yummmicious. Oh, and speaking of yummmicious, the food here is getting really old. And bleh. I miss my momma's cookin', damnit! harrumph.
xoxox I MISS MY VT'ers!!!!!!