I look at it this way; in the 70s there was fearmongering going around that the earth was in a cooling stage and that the earth was going to be completely covered in ice by 2014 That obviously didn't happen and lo and behold; global warming in the 90s. They claimed the earth going to get hotter and hotter and if we didn't get in rid the world of CFCs we would all fry. Since that didn't eventuate, they changed the name to Climate Change [which is as far as I'm concerned, happens 4 times a year]
You have to remember this was all made famous by An Inconvenient Al Gore's hockey stick graph that showed imminent skyrocketing temperatures. All that data has mysteriously disappeared. The hockey stick is a myth.
On top of that, the world is far from overpopulated. You can fit everyone into Texas. The government and the IPCC have been taking money off the people for years with this carbon tax and the problem isn't geting any better. I fully believe 100% it's going to line the pockets of a few.
And you're so right - God is having a laugh. And no amount of money is going to fix this. The bible states that this is going to happen, regardless. 2000 years ago it stated there would be more earthquakes, more disasters and more eruptions etc. Instead of trying to fund our way out of it, how about we set up so we can be better prepared for when the damage happens? We've been fed the lie that the earth is broken. It ain't broken, we're broken.
Before the government takes all your money in taxes, you should use some of it to come over for a holiday. We miss you down here.
*laugh* ok, you're right = they called it global warmeing originally, when it's really "global weirding" - but we were aware of this FAR before an "inconvenient truth" (which i've never seen - i don't like propaganda movies.)
we can agree to disagree on this one (except for god having a laugh, which we usually DO agree on ;) )
as per taxes - i haven't paid them the past few years. (if the gov't owes you money and you don't do your taxes, there's no penalty. it's only when you owe THEM money that they get picky. ;) )
i do want to come over! it'd be good to bask in fine food and funny accents! ♥ are you still in Adelaide? i'm in the process of starting to save money again :)
...what season is it in the begining of next year? :)
and, do you still surf? ;) i took my first surf lesson on the gold coast. it was around march or april, and i believe the water was fairly warm............
That obviously didn't happen and lo and behold; global warming in the 90s. They claimed the earth going to get hotter and hotter and if we didn't get in rid the world of CFCs we would all fry.
Since that didn't eventuate, they changed the name to Climate Change [which is as far as I'm concerned, happens 4 times a year]
You have to remember this was all made famous by An Inconvenient Al Gore's hockey stick graph that showed imminent skyrocketing temperatures. All that data has mysteriously disappeared. The hockey stick is a myth.
On top of that, the world is far from overpopulated. You can fit everyone into Texas.
The government and the IPCC have been taking money off the people for years with this carbon tax and the problem isn't geting any better. I fully believe 100% it's going to line the pockets of a few.
And you're so right - God is having a laugh. And no amount of money is going to fix this. The bible states that this is going to happen, regardless. 2000 years ago it stated there would be more earthquakes, more disasters and more eruptions etc. Instead of trying to fund our way out of it, how about we set up so we can be better prepared for when the damage happens? We've been fed the lie that the earth is broken. It ain't broken, we're broken.
Before the government takes all your money in taxes, you should use some of it to come over for a holiday.
We miss you down here.
we can agree to disagree on this one (except for god having a laugh, which we usually DO agree on ;) )
as per taxes - i haven't paid them the past few years. (if the gov't owes you money and you don't do your taxes, there's no penalty. it's only when you owe THEM money that they get picky. ;) )
i do want to come over! it'd be good to bask in fine food and funny accents! ♥ are you still in Adelaide? i'm in the process of starting to save money again :)
This will make your flights cheaper.
So we'll expect you at the beginning of next year or something, eh. ^_^
and, do you still surf? ;) i took my first surf lesson on the gold coast. it was around march or april, and i believe the water was fairly warm............
gold coast was one of my favorite spots. i DO want to come visit... i'll start socking away my $s and lookin for deals.
also: must. renew. passport!
summer/autumn sounds good. :)
if it's summer/autumn, is it a high travel season?
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